Back To My Roots: More Exposure Of The Fraudulent Apollo Moon Landings And The Scam Artists Behind NASA - THIS Alone Should Tell Everyone That NASA Lies!

I began my own journey on the road to enlightenment and understanding the truth about exactly who controls our very sick world some 36 years ago now when I was informed in a Physics lab, at the local University that I attended taking Engineering courses, by a most brilliant professor that the entire 'man on the moon' missions were a complete fraud....  It was shocking and most disturbing, but always being a critical thinker, I wanted more details and information.... At that time in 1979 there was little to show how NASA scammed the entire world with their fraudulent Apollo moon landings, and the entire Jew spew media at the time was still harping the glories of NASA and their "landings' on the moon and Mars without any criticisms....  I spent months after that point pouring over the photographs and technical data that was available at the time, and I quickly concluded within a short time that the entire Project Apollo was indeed a scam..... For the next two decades I was in an uphill battle against comrades and friends when it came to the moon landing scam, as many of them had indeed swallowed the "koolaid" and looked at me as some kind of nut.... Many laughed for years when I told them that it was a fraud and that NASA bilked BILLIONS of dollars off of suckers and gave them nothing more than a pure piece of propaganda bullshit.... Over the last decade, thanks to the advent of the Internet and people able to explore the true facts about Project Apollo and other NASA 'space missions', very few are now laughing any more....I was sent the following two videos asking my own personal perspective of what NASA was trying to fool the public with this latest charade, and I definitely want to share these with my own readers...The first video contains the actual NASA video release from about 7 months back where one of its supposed "probes" called "Deep Space Climate Observatory Satellite", or the acronym "DSCOVR" for short, took a series of pictures of the Earth from a distance of some 1 Million miles over a 5+ hour time span, and during that time the moon allegedly transited over the Earth giving a view of the moon's dark side for all to see..Here is that video for all to see:OK, there a so many things wrong with this image, and I will cover some of them here in detail...(1) First, the perspective and sizes of the Moon and Earth in such an image from 1 Million miles out are all wrong....  The distance from the Earth to the Moon is some 239000 +- 2000 miles dependent on orbital eccentricity and apogee versus perigee... That means that the distance between the Earth and the moon is some 30+ Earth diameters of 7912 miles!   And yet the Moon at only 2100 miles in diameter still covers about 1/4 of the Earth's image from that 760000 miles further out where the probe sits?   Impossible due to perspective alone... In reality the Earth should be much smaller being so much further distance behind the Moon no matter what the distance to the probe taking the pictures.... That alone should tell everyone that this picture is pure and utter bullshit!  And do not give me the bullshit about 'zooming" in... I have done my own experiments just today to show perspective (anyone can do the same) using a set of balls and properly distancing them to show Earth/Moon distances, and no matter how far you focus or zoom, the Earth is still a decent distance behind the moon in proper pictures and therefore smaller in any images due to that distance....(2) Second... If this was a "real" picture, then the "dark side" of the moon should be better illuminated as the image shows both Earth and moon on the sunlit side.... But we find a dark side that is unusually dark when it should not be... Lighting alone is therefore all wrong...(3) If this was an actual Earth- Moon picture, then the Moon is much much closer to the Earth as we have always been led to believe... And the Moon should be casting a massive shadow on the Earth close behind it as in an "Eclipse" and yet we find NO shadow at all as the Moon transits the Earth?  Impossible...(4) If this perspective is somehow "correct" then anyone standing on the lunar surface especially in the bullshit Apollo missions would see a sky FILLED with the Earth.... But as in the fraud Apollo missions and their wrong perspective in terms of the size of the Earth in the fraud Apollo photos, they still got the perspective wrong with these newest images as well!  Someone is indeed  lying here.....(5) The dead giveaway as far as I am concern that shows this to be a fraud is the lack of cloud movement in the "Earth" in the pictures over the 5 hours that this was supposedly filmed... If you look closely as the "moon" transits the "Earth" behind it, you find the clouds on the "Earth" mysteriously do NOT move at all...  Our planet has a very fluid atmosphere where clouds are always moving, and yet we find no such movement in any of the "clouds" in the sets of imagery shown here by NASA.... They blew it big time with this one!  This is therefore obviously a painting of the Earth since the clouds are stationary and do not move at all....Now, I want to present an interesting video that actually came my way via another real truth seeker, Greencrow, who writes "Greencrow As The Crow Flies" at, that originates from Youtube user Rob Skiba, and is entitled: "NASA Shoots Itself In The Foot - Exposing The Apollo Program As A Fraud" and gives a great summary of what I and others think of this fraud NASA imagery of the Earth-Moon from space.. Here is that video: NTS Notes: OK, I mostly agree with Rob's assessments, but I am firmly against the "flat earthers" who in my own opinion have it all wrong about objects in space... Objects in space are naturally round once they reach a certain size due to gravity..... Planets and stars observed through telescopes are round due to the force of gravity, and this planet is round as well due to gravity... I am deeply perplexed at times by the "flat earthers" and whether or not they are in this fight just to cloud issues and to make truth researchers look ridiculous...Other than that, the information provided in this video correlates to absolutely everything I have seen so far in terms of the fraudulence of this DSCOVR probe's bullshit images.... And the fraudulence of these images is so overwhelming that it again shows that NASA is nothing but pure bullshit artists selling us their fraud space missions.....The bottom line is this... NASA has again been caught with lies and pure bullshit when it comes to these "images" from space... Once people properly deduce that these images are fakes, then possibly more of them will go back and look at the fake images that NASA continues to sell when it comes to their fraud Apollo program and other space "missions"...... People need to see the truth....More to comeNTS