Azerbaijan, Israel To Supply NATO Nations With 100 Drones

Azerbaijan News Agency
September 11, 2014
Minister: Azerbaijan to supply one of NATO member countries with 100 drones
Ramiz Mikayiloglu

Baku: “Currently, 51 production units on defense industry are operating in Azerbaijan. 5 new plants and 7 production units will be commissioned by the end of this year”, Minister of Defense Industry Yaver Jamalov told journalists, APA reports.
Jamalov said that these plants will carry out a serial production of 40-46mm grenade launchers. Ammunition for grenade launchers will be manufactured as well.
“Plants for production of M-6, M-12 explosives and U-25 ammunition will be operated. At the same time, a mass production of bullets for small firearms having bores 5,45 mm to 30 mm will be conducted. All these are of great importance to our army”, he said.
The minister noted that ammunition for tanks and artillery will be manufactured by the end of the first quarter of 2015: “We will almost fully meet the need of our army for artillery ammunition”.
Jamalov said negotiations are underway with the companies participating in ADEX-2014.
“I think that as conclusion of the exhibition, we will reach an agreement on delivery of these companies’ technologies to Azerbaijan”, the minister said.
He said the ministry is currently participating in tenders abroad.
“We won the tenders on grenade throwers and ammunitions with various calibers in Turkey and on mortars in several countries,” he said.
Jamalov also added: “Azerbaijan is currently producing drones in a unit jointly established with Israel. This year Azerbaijan, aside from its Armed Forces, plans to supply one of NATO member countries with 100 drones”.
