With each passing day, more high-profile personalities are beginning to speak up about the psychosomatic challenges posed by the COVID crisis. One such person is German author Eckhart Tolle who is best known for his best-selling titles, including, The Power of Now. During a recent lecture on the subject of adversity, Tolle delivered some poigniant comments on the current Coronavirus hysteria, particularly on the fear-based reaction to the crisis.
Tolle also explains how much of the hysteria has been fueled mainly by the mainstream media.
In part one of this two part series, “Awakening Through Adversity,” he covers the following points:
- How the ego perceives challenges and obstacles
- The three kinds of adversity—personal, collective, and mind-made
- Collective ‘hive mind’ and the spread of ‘mind viruses’
- How the collective mind is projected through social and mainstream media
- How sensationalism in mainstream media drives the ‘crisis’ narrative
- How to be more conscious of mainstream media manipulation
- The vital relationship between spiritual awakening, human development, and adversity
- Finding peace amid turmoil
Certainly, in these unstable and challenging times, Tolle’s alternative views on the psychosomatic and spiritual aspects of upheaval are worth listening to.
Watch his insightful segment:
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