The Australian Shooting HOAX: Newest Update - Hostage Videos Despicably FAKE!

I am shocked that the reports that I and others have been putting out showing clear evidence that the Australian "shooting" at the Lindt Chocolate Cafe (Honestly, could they not have come up with a better location for this hoax?) in downtown Sydney Australia was a complete hoax, have not gone viral..... After all other hoaxed and preplanned "shootings" that have happened in the United States, and more recently right here in Canada, the criminals have now decided to take their circus act to Australia.... The trouble is that the majority of the Australian people are swallowing this BS without any questions!I want to present the latest updates on this fraud shooting in Sydney Australia that come from Jim Stone's site at right here for my own readers to view for themselves.... Jim's article is entitled" Hostage Videos Despicably Fake" and shows clearly that we are again dealing with laughably poor crisis actors, much like what we saw with the Sandy Hook operation and the Boston Bombing,  for the Sydney operation.... I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:Dec 17 2014 Hostage videos despicably fake The entire Sydney scene was an obvious drill with the main actor not matching the guy he was supposed to, Store surveillance videos showing producers with cue cards and incredibly despicably fake videos released via Twitter, wiped by Youtube (the only conceivable reason is because they were such obvious hoaxes) only to survive on Live Leak as "Wikileaks releases". However, Wikileaks failed to call B.S. on them and released them as real. I watched all of them on liveleak and #3 is the only one clear enough to show what is going on. In video 3, you can hear a girl off to the side telling the girl in the video what to say. Behind all 3 girls (one in each video) an Islamic banner is held up by hand in a way which completely conceals whoever is holding it. In surveillance video you can see a clean cut Jewish guy with cue cards telling the "hostage taker" what to do in the next scene. Sydney was a tapestry of lies like no other, easily proven and only taped together by the trust of a gullible public.

Here is a salient capture from the last liveleak video (the only one clear enough to see what is going on)

You can see these videos HERE and I have one thing to say - Youtube may claim they are only censoring these videos to not be accomplices with "terrorists" but after watching these it should be obvious that Youtube is in fact censoring these videos because they are so obviously staged and they do not want it widely known. Ditto for the msm. You will need good speakers or headphones to listen to what is going on in the background, where you can hear cues being given. AND, what did people use to shoot these videos with anyway? Cell phones surpassed this years ago! Why are they garbage? Perhaps to hide the details, and yes, anything from a Muslim just has to look like discolored UFO footage because even in Australia they can't manage to get an Iphone.I enhanced the top frame so people could see what was going on in it,the bottom frame shows just how awful the video quality really is. WHY would it be like this, other than for psychological impact or to hide something?.NTS Notes:  After watching several of these disgusting videos, I could not help but to laugh.... It is so ridiculous to watch these "crisis actors" fail miserably with their pre-planned scripts!   I am so surprised that the Jew spew media has the gall to put these clowns up on air for everyone to see how ridiculous they sound, and yet most people are just too brainwashed and chemicalized now to not see that they are being played as saps!The usage of these clown crisis actors is the dead giveaway that the Sydney shooting was a preplanned operation... But I have been looking for the logical reasons for why they pulled off this stunt at this time and what the criminals have in store for the people of Australia..... I will put up those articles that tackle the reasons behind the Sydney shooting in several future articles here, so stay tuned....More to comeNTS