Attack in Suruc,Turkey - KurdIShIS: Destabilizing Turkey

So, the bombing in Turkey? I had intended to ignore it. Why? Because it was an inevitable occurrence. Bound to happen. Absolutely necessary to destabilize Turkey. And I’ve made it abundantly clear, here, that Turkey is going to be destabilized.Location, location, location-Always so important- Just 10 kms from Kobani(e)  Kurdish controlled Kobani(e). The border crossing controlled by those same Kurds. Keeping in mind the symbiosis between KurdIShIS. Also the fact that Kurds fight alongside brand  ISIS. This has all been covered previously here at the blog. So, I’m not rehashing it in any in depth fashion. I'll just relink a bunch of previous posts. Throughout this post and at the end. OK? OK!The Suruc target was Kurds, resident in Turkey. In the south east of Turkey. Who would benefit from this bombing? Not the Turkish government. The bombing would certainly assist in unifying the Kurds against Ankara. So, who would benefit from this bombing taking place where and when it did? Of course the Kurdistan agenda would be the primary beneficiary of this act of terror.Let’s look at who the suspected bomber is?*  An ethnic Kurd, a Turkish citizen, who had gone to Syria to fight with KurdIShIS! Imagine my non surprise at that!Necessary prior post Flashback:Kurds fighting & killing Kurds/Arabs & Christians.Kobane(i) attack benefits Kurdistan creators Şeyh Abdurrahman Alagöz, a 20-year-old university student registered in Adıyaman province, has been identified as the suicide bomber who carried out the deadly July 20 attack at a municipal culture center in Şanlıurfa’s Suruç district

‘The suspect, a 20-year-old ethnic Kurd from the southeastern town of Adiyaman, also had links with another alleged bomber who attacked a pro-Kurdish political rally days before a June 7 general election, the official said on condition of anonymity”

*Cyprus Mail

There was “strong evidence” to suggest the bombing in the border town of Suruc on Monday was carried out by a 20-year old man born in the southeastern province of Adiyaman and of Kurdish origin, the official told Reuters.“He was active in a Syria-linked group supporting the Islamic State. We know that he went to Syria illegally. It was not possible to track him during his time there,” the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the investigation.He had links with another alleged bomber who attacked a pro-Kurdish political rally in the southeastern city of Diyarbakir days ahead of a June 7 parliamentary election, killing four people and wounding at least 200, the official said.The Radikal newspaper quoted what it said was the man’s mother saying he was a former student at Adiyaman university who had worked as a painter with his 25-year old brother before going abroad.“I don’t know what they were doing abroad, they never said. They were just telling me they were fine,” Semure Alagoz told the newspaper. “I don’t know where he is now. I don’t know if they joined ISIL, if they went for jihad. They are both good kids, they wouldn’t harm anyone.”

*HurriyetLinked to another bomber who attacked a pro Kurdish rally immediately before the June 7 election.  Yup, the destabilization is moving forward!I covered the pre election bombing incident here:  Pt-3: Destabilizing Turkey. Pre- Election Bombing/Explosion at Kurdish RallyBrief quotation below-

Explosion at a large Kurdish rally, immediately before election day.

Divide and Conquer: Cui Bono? Certainly not Erdogan or the party he leads.So, who might have planted the explosive devices? I don't rule out the power grabbing Kurds , on their own, or partnered with Israeli allies! This works in  their favour, of course. Garnering sympathy for the 'people without a country'It could also be any associated NATO special operative? Kurds included here again. Also operatives from the  US, Germany, Britain, Canada etc., Then you have your useful idiots.

Curiously? Or typically?*Two Turkish police officers were found shot in the head. In another southeastern Turkish border city.

“Ceylanpinar is located on the border some 160 km (100 miles) away from the predominantly Kurdish town of Suruç”

*Two Turkish police killed close to Syria border

Close to the Syrian border- Hmm...- what group of people are just across the border stealing the land of a nation, stealing the  property and ethnically cleansing the people of Syria- Of course, the Kurds.

Compound police officers were assassinated inUnsurprisingly,  Ceylanpinar is a divided town with Ra’s al Ayn, Syria-  Ras al Ayn, Syria controlled by  Kurdish militias- Kurdish controlled border

Ceylanpinar (Arabic: ??? ?????? Ra's al 'Ayn, Kurdish: Serêkanî?, Ottoman Turkish: ??? ?????? Resülayn[3]) is a district of Sanliurfa Province in southeastern Turkey. On the border with Syria, it is reached by a long straight road D.905 across the plain south from Viransehir. It forms a divided city with Ra's al-'Ayn in Syria and there is a border crossing.

Flashback: Heroic Kurds call for Airstrikes

     "Of course, liberating Tel Abyad is included in the YPG plans. I want to be clear that when the time and conditions are right, we will liberate Tel Abyad, too.”     He added, “Those regions are between the cities of Serekaniye [Ras al-Ain], Kobane [Ain al-Arab] and Afrin"

My conclusion:  The bombing in Suruc, Turkey was an act of Kurdish terrorism. Part of a plan to destabilize Turkey. NATO is fully participant. No doubt Israel was involved. Considering Kurdish Israeli collusion