The Atlantic SMEARS Trump, tries to distract from Biden approved riots.

Atlantic Mag SMEARS Trump, tries to distract from Biden approved riots. by The Duran

Atlantic Mag SMEARS Trump, tries to distract from Biden approved riots. The Duran: Episode 665. Via Revolver News (…)… For the past two days, the press and the entire political establishment have crawled out of the fetid swamp to launch one of their most deranged attacks yet on President Trump.

Via Revolver News (…
For the past two days, the press and the entire political establishment have crawled out of the fetid swamp to launch one of their most deranged attacks yet on President Trump. They’ve accused him of the grave offense of ridiculing America’s fallen soldiers. This attack has only one goal. They do not want you, dear reader, to actually think deeply about who has really used and abused American’s bravest soldiers. The answer, unambiguously, is our utterly failed ruling class. America’s corrupt ruling class has recklessly sacrificed the precious blood of our brave warriors not for the betterment of America, but for the enrichment of Washington.
