Astana Three In Turkey- Affirm Support for Syria's Sovereignty

I really can’t understand why the alternative media is not discussing the Astana three meeting in Turkey (there are conflicting reports on the locale of this meeting in Turkey, so I've changed headline to meeting in Turkey)... What’s up with that?  Where are all these alt media supporters of Syria ? (of course I have my own thoughts on why the 5 eyes alt media isn’t touching this news and yes I checked a few places )Astana has so far represented the one lone hope for Syrian survival. Return of Syrians to their homeland etc.,  However imperfect these three nations may be, even the Syrian government/media is acknowledging this trio as more beneficial to Syria. Unlike the UN which has contributed nothing positive for SyriaGlobe and Mail

"The leaders of Russia, Iran and Turkey met in Ankara on Wednesday for talks on resolving the conflict in Syria.The leaders meeting in the Turkish capital are expected to reaffirm their commitment to Syria’s territorial integrity and the continuation of local cease-fires. Talks were also expected to include the issues of border security, the distribution of humanitarian aid and drawing up a constitution for the country.

The leaders locked hands while posing for photos at the start of the meeting, but did not make opening remarks

No opening remarks necessary because the locked hands imagery is worth a thousand words. The image was posed for and done intentionally. Guarantor countries’ joint statement affirms support for Syria’s sovereigntyvia SANA

Ankara, SANA-Presidents of the guarantor countries of the cessation of hostilities in Syria (Russia, Iran and Turkey) stressed their support for Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and continued anti-terrorism efforts.The affirmation came in a joint statement following a trilateral meeting in Ankara on Wednesday which brought together the Russian President Vladimir Putin, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and President of Turkish regime Recep Tayyip Erdogan.“Russia, Iran and Turkey intend to eliminate the terrorist organizations of Daesh (ISIS) and al-Qaeda in Syria,” the statement said, affirming that “there is no military solution to the crisis and in Syria and the only possible solution is through a political process.”The statement underlined the necessity of creating suitable conditions for the return of Syrians displaced by terrorism to their country.

Post from Monday regarding today's meeting:

Iran, Russia, Turkey:  Meeting in Turkey Wednesday April 04th

From earlier today:

Porton Down CAN'T Exclude Porton Down from Skripal Incident