Association Agreement With EU: Ukraine To Change Military Doctrine

September 23, 2014
Ukraine changing military doctrine
KYIV: The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine will draw up by December 2015 a new wording of Ukraine’s military doctrine and the program for the development of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
This is stated in a plan on the implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, which the Cabinet of Ministers approved on September 17, 2014.
According to the plan on the implementation of the Association Agreement, the government instructed the Defense Ministry, the Foreign Ministry, the Economic Development and Trade Ministry, the Justice Ministry and central executive government agencies, as well as the Ukroboronprom State Concern, to draft a new wording of Ukraine’s military doctrine, the program for the development of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and other defense planning documents.
The European External Action Service will help implement Ukraine’s strategy taking into account a European priority in Ukraine’s foreign policy.
