Asia-Pacific Partners Serve Under NATO In Gulf Of Aden

North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Allied Command Operations

February 4, 2014

GULF OF ADEN: On Sunday, 2 February 2014, NATO’s counter-piracy task force (CTF-508) Commander, Rear Admiral (ESP N) Eugenio Diaz del Rio, visited the New Zealand warship HMNZS TE MANA, currently operating as part of TF-508, to discuss the ongoing counter-piracy operations and TE MANA’s activities in the Indian Ocean.
Prior to the visit, TE MANA’s helicopter transferred medical supplies to the TF 508 flagship, which will be used in conjunction with medical assistance to coastal villages in Somalia in the near future. The helicopter also conducted cross deck training, testing communications on different circuits and modes to increase interoperability between Royal New Zealand Navy and NATO units.
Rear Admiral Diaz del Rio was welcomed by TE MANA’s Commanding Officer, Commander Shane Arndell and Executive Officer, Lieutenant Commander Julian Conway. After a brief tour of the ship, TE MANA’s staff briefed the admiral on TE MANA’s counter-piracy operations in the Indian Ocean since arriving in the region in November.
The brief highlighted the ship’s involvement in gathering information and searching for a suspected pirate vessel during TE MANA’s support to Combined Maritime Forces Task Force 151 (CTF-151) during December.
“I want to thank you, your crew, your Navy and your country for your contribution to the NATO effort against piracy off Somalia,” said Rear Admiral Diaz del Rio.
Story by HQ MARCOM Public Affairs Office
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Allied Command Operations

February 3, 2014

GULF OF ADEN: This past weekend, NATO’s counter-piracy task force (CTF-508) Commander, Rear Admiral (ESP N) Eugenio Diaz del Rio, met for the second time with Commander Republic of Korea Expeditionary Task Group (ETG), Captain Sung-Mok Choi, on board ROKS CHOI YOUNG.
During their previous visit aboard CTF-508 flagship ESPS ALVARO DE BAZAN, the two staffs exchanged information on counter-piracy operations in the region while their ships conducted a visit, boarding, search and seizure (VBSS) exercise and a medical exercise to improve mutual knowledge and interoperability.
This weekend’s meeting brought renewed discussion of the current piracy situation in the region its probable future evolution. Captain Choi advised CTF 508 that a new Republic of Korea ETG will arrive in the region in the near future, and expressed interest in continuing the dialogue between CTF-508 and the ETG.
“The success of counter-piracy operations over such a vast region requires close cooperation and coordination with every counter-piracy unit operating in the area,” said Rear Admiral Diaz del Rio. The Republic of Korea Navy is a key partner, and we want to build upon our cooperation with the next ETG Commander.”
Story by HQ MARCOM Public Affairs Office
