Article By Whitewraithe: Her Take On The Ridiculous Situation Created By Malicious Persons Against Myself...

I want to present the following report that was released by Whitewraithe... It gives her perspective on certain individuals who for the craziest and ridiculous reasons have launched malicious attacks against myself...Here is her article with my own thoughts to follow: The Ugly Truth malicious attack against my friend and colleague Northerntruthseeker Posted on February 11, 2015 by Whitewraithe  Last weekend Mark Glenn and his minions at The Ugly Truth website maliciously attacked Northerntruthseeker regarding a statement that he allegedly stated to Charles Giuliani in an email that Glenn had committed suicide by hanging himself.First and foremost this was “third-party” information that should have at least been verified, but instead of attempting to get the facts, Glenn goes into an egotistical tirade by insulting my friend and colleague with childish innuendo that he is mentally unstable along with several other associates meaning, yours truly.Glenn’s supporters, of course, come to his aide spreading sorry and pity across cyberspace for something that never even happened.What did happen is that Charles Giuliani of Truth Hertz misquoted NTS in an email.  NTS discovered an article on TUT website which placed Glenn squarely in the middle of the lies and untruths he’s been saying about the Sandy Hook massacre for the past two years since the article put into question whether or not Adam Lanza was the shooter.  Even though it appears now that Glenn did not write the article in question; the fact that the article appears on TUT website places Glenn’s reputation into question.  Glenn is the webmaster and owner of the blog.So there is a catch-22 here that Northerntruthseeker was questioning and stated to Giuliani in an email that Glenn had “hung himself” by allowing such an article on his site.  Giuliani took NTS’ statement as literal fact and then stated as such on his radio show this past Friday.NTS and I also did our third episode of Turbulent Times last Friday as well.  Don’t you think if NTS had made such a statement we would have talked about it on the show?  It was never even mentioned in two hours of live commentary between us.I want to publicly apologize to my friend and colleague for not addressing this sooner and hope he will forgive my lack of fortitude in the matter.  We are both tired of Glenn and his minions attacking us for situations that never happened or were misconstrued by others due to no fault of our own.NTS is one of the most honest and honorable people in this movement and you will not find a finer or more decent human being anywhere.  I stand behind him to the end and will defend his honor as he is innocent of any and all charges Glenn’s site loves to throw at us both.Please check out NTS’ site for further information and updates on this matter.Stay tuned as more is to come.Whitewraithe~NTS Notes: Again, I cannot for the life of me understand that "group" of people for their actions.. I was NOT the one that falsely made the statement of death about the webmaster, but have endured their insane wrath ever since that incident of last Friday....  And these are the ones who are malicously calling ME "mentally unbalanced"?   Un-freaking-believable....I leave it up to others to judge for themselves... I have always refused to get involved in childish antics and look at those who have suddenly put me in a bulls-eye for the actions of others as being malicious fools who should actually know better than to do this....It does speak highly of their own character!And with this, I honestly want to close this sorry episode...But as usual I always close each and every article with:More to comeNTS*One update, and I hope I never have to constantly mention this... Whitewraithe is one of the most decent people that I have ever known, and she always speaks  with honesty, dignity, integrity, and always from the heart... I am so glad to have her as both an ally and a true friend...