This Is Appalling: Trudeau Regime Inks "Free Trade" Deal With Criminal Ukrainian Regime, Emphasizes Security (?) Relationship

For the last two and one half years since the US government illegally replaced the democratically elected government in Kiev, Ukraine, with one of their puppet regimes, I have been watching so closely as the Ukrainian nation has gone from one of hope and prosperity, to one of dismal economic failure and destitution for the Ukrainian people.... The regime in Kiev has in fact been one of the most evil on the planet, especially with its wars on its own people.... It is appalling that many nations around the planet actually do support such evil!I had thought that Canada, having a long tradition of actually wanting "peace" around the planet would never support the illegal regime in Kiev.... But what I found today is disgusting and shows that the Trudeau regime in Ottawa is indeed supporting corrupt and evil governments around the planet... For according to the following report from the Activist Post website, at, apparently the Trudeau regime has now inked a "free trade" deal with the criminal Kiev regime citing what they call a "Security relationship".... Here is that Activist Post article in its entirety for everyone, especially my fellow Canadians to read for themselves, and I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow:Canada Inks Free Trade Deal With Ukraine, Emphasizes Security RelationshipTOPICS:Brandon TurbevilleCanadaRussiaTradeUkraineJULY 11, 2016By Brandon TurbevilleCanada’s Obama, Prime Minster Justin Trudeau, is now making good on his task of providing a young and well-spoken face to a continuation of oppression, authoritarianism, globalization, and imperialism, much like his American counterpart did with great success eight years ago. Thus, it was to the cheers of many that Trudeau met with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in Kiev to announce a greater “cooperation” between the two countries both in security and in trade, despite the announcement being nothing more than the telegraph of a continuation of imperialism and the giant sucking sound of “free trade.”During the news conference, Poroshenko stated that Ukraine has requested 200 Canadian military trainers to remain in Ukraine after the 2017 expiration date for the current arrangement. While Canadian military “trainers” are currently deployed in Ukraine, Trudeau did not publicly commit to a continuation of the arrangement. Still, he re-emphasized Canada’s “commitment” and “relationship” with Ukraine both on the military and economic front. Given Trudeau’s statements about Russia and the Ukrainian crisis, however, informed observers tend to suspect that Canada’s military role in Ukraine will continue as needed.Trudeau and Poroshenko also signed a mutual “Free Trade” deal at the meeting, another small step in the direction of globalization and the elimination of anything resembling high living standards for majority of the world’s workforce.“We are right now focused on the training mission that is going so well for both Canadians and especially for the Ukrainian military,” Trudeau said. “As the situation evolves, we will continue to monitor and look at the best way we can continue to support and help Ukraine and we will do so in the spirit of collaboration and friendship that has always existed between Canada and Ukraine.”Both Trudeau and Poroshenko then capitalized on the opportunity to condemn Russia for defending itself against NATO aggression by attempting to portray the crisis in Ukraine as that of Russia’s making.“It is obvious that Ukraine has made some extremely important and difficult steps in Parliament and in their institutions to live up to their responsibilities on Minsk. And it’s also quite clear that on the security side of the Minsk implementation, Russia has not been a positive partner,” Trudeau said.“They have not been moving responsibly or appropriately on things like ceasefires or international observers, and we are very hopeful that continued international unity and clarity around the expectations that we advance with Minsk are going to continue to put the necessary pressure on Russia to follow the process and act on the security concerns.”Poroshenko claimed that Ukraine has fulfilled 95 percent of its political obligations under the Minsk agreement and all of the security requirements.“With that situation,” Trudeau continued, “it is vitally important for us that Russia meet the security criteria for launching the political process. This is Russia who should make a disengagement. This is Russia who should remove the heavy artillery, weapons, multi-rocket launch systems, tanks, from their front lines.”Beginning in 2013, the United States and NATO powers via a network of Western (largely American) color revolution organizations, NGOs, and U.S. agencies engineered a color revolution that resulted in the collapse of the Yanukovich government and a subsequent fascist crackdown on ethnic Russians and legitimate dissent in the country. After a series of major provocations and military support given to the Kiev fascists by NATO and a campaign of terror launched against the populations in Eastern Ukraine, Russia stepped in to mediate and to support the Eastern separatists. Russia stills denies military support to the separatists, however, and, in 2014, officially annexed the Crimea after Crimean residents overwhelmingly voted to join Russia.Brandon Turbeville – article archive here – is the author of seven books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom7 Real ConspiraciesFive Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria, and The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President. Turbeville has published over 650 articles on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s radio show Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. His website is He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at) article may be freely shared in part or in full with author attribution and source link.Image CreditNTS Notes: Again, as a Canadian, I am truly aghast by this action by the Trudeau regime in Ottawa...I had thought that with the removal of the horrific Harper regime last fall in the Canadian general elections, that Justin Trudeau becoming Prime Minister would be a "breath of fresh air" and a change of pace in terms of Canada's position around the planet... Once again I am proven wrong...Yes, so far this last week has been a disaster for Canada in the international stage.. First we have the movement of some "1000" Canadian troops to the doorstep of the Russian Federation that will put Canada right in the middle of the bullseye should that become a shooting war... And then over the weekend comes the reports about Canada and Germany both having their troops ILLEGALLY invade the peaceful nation of Syria... Now we have the word about not only this ghastly "free trade" agreement that is such a farce but the fact that Canada is committing itself to 'training' several thousand Ukrainian troops that will be used for the Ukrainian onslaught on the eastern provinces of the Donbas very soon.....And what is this bullshit about "security" relationship?  What the hell is that?  I have never seen such a bunch of crock in my life..... Russia is NO threat, period....Only NATO and the US are, as I have shown in so many previous articles... And the real laugher here is how there is the claim that Ukraine is now living up to its part of the Minsk ceasefire agreements, when in fact the Ukrainian regime have constantly violated that agreement every chance it gets over the last year....So, my fellow Canadians... How do you like your Trudeau regime so far?  I too thought that with the change from the horrific Jew dick sucking Stephen Harper, that Justin would be a change much needed for Canada...But instead we find him acting just like the previous prick in making Canada no longer the peace loving nation that the world has long seen, but instead a warmongering nation....Honestly, "free trade" with Ukraine? Considering the disaster that the Ukrainian regime has turned the Ukrainian economy into, this is either a farce, or Trudeau has something more diabolical in mind... I am leaning on the latter....More to comeNTS