Another Planned Parenthood Controversy

Some time back, Planned Parenthood was accused of selling fetal organs. The organization denied the charges and it seems clear that at least some were exaggerated or false. It was, for some time, a high profile controversy.I have recently come across another issue having to do with Planned Parenthood. It is claimed that the parent organization holds that people with HIV have no obligation to inform their sexual partners of the fact, that they should be free, if they wish, to have unprotected sex without doing so.In this case, as best I can tell, the organization has not denied the charge and it is probably true. Searching the web for information, I found the web site of the IPPF, the International Planned Parenthood Foundation. The closest I could find on that site to anything relevant was a piece attacking Sweden for laws that make it a criminal offense for someone with HIV to have unprotected sex with a partner without informing the partner of his HIV status. I could find nothing denying the charge that Planned Parenthood materials hold that HIV positive individuals have a right to have sex without informing the partner.Oddly enough, this is a much lower profile case. Almost all of the places where I could find mentions of it were politically conservative, the most prominent being the publication of the Federalist Society. None of the mainstream media seem to have picked up on it, so far as I can tell. Am I missing something? Is this evidence of political bias by the mainstream press, unwilling to carry a true story that makes a group they approve of look bad? Including Fox News and the Wall Street Journal? It seems unlikely.