Ann Coulter And Laura Ingraham Predict Trump Will Be Impeached

Ever been up close to Ann Coulter? She's really ugly. Her inner ugly isn't cloakable. It comes out all over the room. So on Wednesday when she was asserting at the University of Colorado that immigrants are ugly rapists who depress wages and block vote for Democrats, it was a total kettle/pot moment. She said she could determine who should be allowed into the U.S. and who should be turned away based on how they look. "I told Donald Trump when he was running that he could completely get rid of (Immigration and Naturalization Services) and I’d do it all before breakfast on Tinder," she said. Fortunately he hasn't hired her (yet).And it doesn't look like he ever will-- especially after she and another far right hate-monger-for-pay, Laura Ingraham denounced him virulently and predicted he'll be impeached.Trump had threatened to veto the bill... hours before signing it. He was pissed off because it didn't include funding for the Great Wall of Trumpanzee. He didn't read the bill, of course, but someone talked him into signing it. I wonder who-- Kelly? Ivanka? Paul Ryan? Mattis? Anyone know? It sure wasn't the funny fellas from the Freedom Caucus; they're spittin' mad (as usual... but even more so).