America's Family Owned Farms Now Face the Greatest Threat to Their Existence

Read more on this subject: AgricultureNews Story Source: Natural BlazeBy Jim Mundorf
"The great searcher of human hearts is my witness, that I have no wish, which aspires beyond the humble and happy lot of living and dying a private citizen on my own farm."— George Washington
I don't care who you voted for, or your thoughts on the election. Joe Biden is the President and as much as I try to stay out of politics, his proposed tax plan is now the greatest threat to destroy family owned farms and ranches that America has ever seen. According to Farm Progress Magazine, "Biden has two features in his (estate tax) plan, and one is unfortunate, but the other is disastrous for farmers."
Over the past 20 years agriculture land prices have skyrocketed. In my neighborhood, (southwest Iowa) farm ground has gone from around $900 per acre in the '90s to well over $7,000 per acre now. Farms that were were a few hundred thousand, 25 years ago, are now worth millions. So farmers have found themselves in a Read More or Make a Comment
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