America don’t be fooled. “Fake Tears” Schumer and Nancy Pelosi have a history of killing Muslims

They cry over Trump’s executive order to enforce Obama’s immigration act from seven Muslim majority nations.
They scream that the ban is undermines “American values” and is “evil”.
Do we need to go over the numbers as to how many people of Muslim faith were killed in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Libya? One million, five million?
“Fake Tears” Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are anything but sympathetic toward Muslims.
Their voting record in Congress and the Senate show two Democrats who have a history of supporting destructive wars in Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan, while pushing for sanctions against Iran and Syria…sanctions with the sole purpose of creating unrest and suffering.
Most of the countries mentioned above, are part of the list of seven countries on the immigration executive order that “Fake Tears” Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are so torn up over.
Democrat Senator from NY, “Fake Tears” Chuck Schumer:

Voted YES on designating Iran’s Revolutionary Guards as terrorists. September 2007.
Voted YES on $86 billion for military operations in Iraq & Afghanistan. October 2003.
Voted YES to authorize force in Iraq. October 2002.
Voted YES on allowing all necessary force in Kosovo. May 1999.
Voted YES on authorizing air strikes in Kosovo. Mar 1999.
Sponsored shutting down Iranian foreign reserves. May 2013.
Sanctions on Iran to end nuclear program. Apr 2009.

Democrat Representative from California, Nancy Pelosi.

1998: Saddam has engaged in development of WMDs. August 2011.
2002: No question Saddam has WMD. October 2008
Voted NO on removing US armed forces from Afghanistan. March 2011.

Pelosi on the destruction of Libya (via The Hill)…

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said the White House violated neither the Constitution nor the War Powers Resolution when it launched military operations in the war-torn African nation in March without Congress’s endorsement.
“The limited nature of this engagement allows the president to go forward,” Pelosi told reporters at the Capitol. “I’m satisfied that the president has the authority he needs to go ahead.”If we had boots on the ground … then that’s a different story,” Pelosi added. “I don’t think they should stop the support that they’re giving to NATO to stop the humanitarian disaster.”

Key Democrats were supporting US action to prevent the impending humanitarian catastrophe in Libya…

March 23, 2011 – Nancy Pelosi: “Acting upon the United Nations Security Council’s resolution to use ‘all measures necessary’ to protect the Libyan people and the Arab League’s call for a no-fly-zone, the United States joined the international community in preventing an imminent humanitarian crisis in Libya. Actions taken by the international community have already prevented Qaddafi from implementing his threat to ‘show no mercy’ to his own people, including those living in the city of Benghazi.”

“Saddam Hussein certainly has chemical and biological weapons. There’s no question about that.”
–Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Nov. 17, 2002
“Fake Tears” Schumer on Syria sanctions (via USA Today)…

Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand are pushing the Syrian Human Rights Accountability Act, which would bar officials in President Bashar Assad’s regime implicated in human rights abuses from traveling to or doing business with the United States and ban companies from selling weapons or sensitive technology to the Syrian government.
“Syria continues to show it has no desire to curb the bloody crackdown that has become synonymous with Assad’s regime,” Schumer said. “We must do everything that we can to make it clear to Assad that his time is up.”
“If Syria won’t willingly change its brutal approach and continues to violate the human rights of those seeking to exercise their voices, then we will do everything we can to send the strongest message possible to that nation’s leadership that this behavior is beyond the pale and not without consequence,” Schumer said.

Nancy Pelosi on supporting up the removal of Assad in Syria (via The Hill)…

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Friday that it was time for the United States to “take it to the next step” in Syria in response to possible chemical weapons use, although she said that did not include putting “troops on the ground.”
“I myself think that we have tolerated for too long all of the assaults on the Syrian people made by its own government,” Pelosi told reporters. “I think we have to take it to the next step. That does not mean troops on the ground.”
House members leaving the briefing said that Kerry had discussed the potential steps the U.S. could take.
“The secretary laid out what some of those options would be,” said Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.). “It’s everything from diplomatic opposition to Assad, to supporting refugees, to cash for groups, to weapons for groups, to a no fly zone — all of those are on the table.”

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