Amazing Video: Agenda - Grinding America Down

It has been amazing to watch the once great United States of America crumble before our very eyes... I grew up with the belief that the US was the "greatest" nation on planet Earth, and for most of my youth I believed that to be true without any doubt.  But after my days in College and learning about the true evil on our planet and how they had first infiltrated American society, then took over the American financial system, which has now led to the destruction of the nation itself, I have long wondered what the hell happened?? And how in the hell did the American people ever allow their nation to be hijacked and destroyed by such tyrannical evil?A while back, I was sent the link to an important video, with the request that I take a look at it and give my opinion..Considering my busy schedule this last while, I finally sat down the other day to watch it in its entirety...I found it to be a very good report on what the hell happened to America and how it became subverted by truly evil people.... For this article, I want to first present that video, entitled: "Agenda: Grinding America Down" for everyone to view right here in its entirety... I must warn everyone that this video is quite long, but is an essential tool in understanding our enemy and therefore well worth the watch.....I have my thoughts and comments about this video to follow: NTS Notes:  OK, first off, I am troubled that the narrator and producer of this fine video does NOT name the true criminals behind the destruction of America, the Jews, by name.... Instead he keeps referring to "communists" without the understanding that the Jews themselves created Communism, and that the fraud religion of Judaism itself can be very easily equated to Communism itself...What is also missing is that all of the major points of this "communist manifesto" for the conquest of America is also written in the truly evil Jewish "Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion"...The major points of this video that show the destruction of American society by the introduction and push for the frauds of Feminism, Homosexuality, and the ruination of the American family structure were already written in their Protocols....The Jews are indeed following the agenda laid out in their Protocols to the letter with the destruction and enslavement of America....I am also troubled by the religious aspects brought forward again and again in this video... I have long shown that ALL religions are used as a form of brainwashing, and the facts are that people do not need religion to guide their lives... Common sense, rationality, and proper morals, are essential for human existence and for the maintenance of a well nurtured society.  Religion is not needed to know the differences between good and evil, and in most cases has hindered human development.... It is also startling that the narrators constantly state "Judeo-Christian" in most of their statements, not knowing that Judaism is the polar opposite of Christianity, and has long sought the destruction of Christianity itself....  The bottom line here is that the VALUES and MORALITY promoted by Christianity are what people need for a wholesome society...not the religion itself.I do agree with the fine points promoted in this video, including the need to fix our education system that is right now being destroyed by the lie of "common core".... Our children need to be taught proper family values and not to believe that they are government property!Overall I would say this video is amazing and very factual... But again it does lack in naming the real criminals by name.... Which is of course the Jews..... Otherwise this is one that more people should watch because we are indeed watching the rapid dismantling of America and American society right now.... Tyranny and the murder of millions of Americans is right around the corner...More to comeNTS