Alison Weir : Americans say NO to Zionist attempted censorship

Alison Weir : Americans say NO to Zionist attempted censorship
Zionists have attempted to shut down Alison Weir’s speaking events in South Dakota, but they’re still going forward! Share this to help spread the word.
Together, we will overcome censorship, fight back against bullying and misinformation, and work for true justice and peace.

by Alison Weir
As I wrote before, Israelists worked behind the scenes to block me from speaking in South Dakota during a visit to the state last week. They got the local World Affairs Council to pull its sponsorship of one talk, tried unsuccessfully to scare off other hosts, and pressured media not to cover my events. And they may have headed off other invitations, as some events fell through in the planning stage.
But we fought back with the best weapon against censorship — exposure. We publicized the story, and South Dakota media covered it widely, including a front page article in the state’s biggest newspaper, plus TV and radio reports.
We placed newspaper ads exposing the censorship and circulated an infographic on Facebook that many of you shared. Many of you also contacted the local World Affairs Council with strong, reasonable, principled arguments against their stifling of free speech. Thank you!
This unprecedented media coverage, plus our newspaper ads, has put the issue of US aid to Israel squarely in front of every South Dakota resident who follows the news. This amazing reach no doubt contributed to the large or overflowing attendance at my public and private speeches last week, including a successful talk to business and community leaders. (See a description of one event at the end of this message.)

Now, we can push this success forward and keep the dialog on Palestine-Israel alive in South Dakota, where many residents are uninformed on this issue — and, I’ve found, many are open to becoming informed. We’ve already placed newspaper ads in various S.D. papers. Next is to place more ads and put up billboards informing people about U.S. aid to Israel and directing them online for more information (plus credible sources to confirm our facts!).
But WE NEED YOUR HELP! We have found some billboards that are available right now, including one whose owner is willing to give us an incredibly affordable price. Please donate now to help us purchase these and other ads! (And email us if you could put up a matching donation.)
Thank you for your support and commitment. Together, we will overcome censorship, fight back against bullying and misinformation, and work for true justice and peace.
Best Regards,

Alison Weir
Executive Director, If Americans Knew
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Alison Weir is an American freelance journalist and founder and Executive Director of If Americans Knew and president of The Council for National Interest. Ms. Weir writes and speaks on issues covering the situation in Palestine/Israel, addresses the historical context and provides critique of how the media covers issues which challenges U.S. foreign policy and well-funded lobby interests.
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