Alex Jones Debates David Duke...My Take...

Last night I was informed about an interesting debate that had occurred earlier that day between known schlock-jock and pompous radio talk show host, Alex Jones, and Dr. David Duke.... I actually decided late last night to listen to the entire "debate" and want to give my own two cents worth.....First, I want to present the Youtube video of this "debate" right here for anyone that has not heard it yet.... NTS Notes:  OK, my take on this "debate"... First, I am not too happy by the actions and attitude by Alex Jones in this so called "debate"... He did everything possible from the beginning and even before he brought Dr. David Duke onto the air to vilify him and to try to constantly push the "former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan" message on air (purposely) to try to paint David Duke in the wrong picture for his listeners and  ruin the man's credibility even before he spoke...Second, and all throughout this "debate", Mr. Jones would constantly interrupt David Duke mid-sentence and try to either curtail David's sentences or to try to throw him off topic and onto something else... It was especially annoying when David got to the heart of the issue in giving definitive details about the Jewish power elite and their control over the planet... Alex Jones constantly interrupted those parts and tried again and again to push Dr. Duke away from those statements.. It was not only annoying but shows Alex Jones' true character as a Jewish butt kisser....Third, I found much of Alex Jones' arguments to amount to pure jibberish and non-sensical statements with no fact and in most cases full of falsehoods.. Jones tried again and again to squash any of David's statements about their control of finances, Hollywood, the governments, etc, etc... And the real laugher was when he had the nerve to claim that the trouble makers were the Catholics!What we had here was not a debate but a witch hunt by Alex Jones being done purposely to destroy David Duke and his credibility... But Dr. Duke held his own and refused to get into a cat fight with Jones on any issues... I must applaud him for keeping his cool and sticking to the facts....The bottom line here is that again, Alex Jones' true colors came shining through as nothing more than a disinformation agent trying to lead his "followers" astray and never hitting the key issue as to the real controllers and trouble makers on the planets, which are definitely the Jewish "elite"..... And again I must applaud David Duke for having the courage to come on the Infowars show and hold his own with real facts that Mr. Jones could not handle.....If anyone has any other takes on this "debate", my comment section is open at any time... More to comeNTS