Alan Grayson-- Personal Jesus, Policy Of Truth Contest

The Grayson for Senate campaign is getting close to having it's 100,000th contributor. That 100,000th contribution is going to come in in the next few days. And Blue America is going to give whoever that person is a platinum album as rare in the world of Depeche Mode collectibles as Alan Grayson' policy of truth is in a corrupted Congress.The 1991 Violator album went platinum in Mexico and Warner Bros Music Mexico, the Depeche Mode label there made a dozen hand-crafted awards and one of those gorgeous plaques is the one that is being given away to the 100,000th donor. Grayson's average contribution is $18.12. Some people give $1,000 and some people give $5.00 but whatever you contribute to Grayson on our special Depeche Mode Violator page doesn't make it more or less likely that you'll be the "winner" of the plaque. Whether the 100,000th person gives $10 or 2,000, he or she will get the plaque.Grayson's Republican-turned-New-Dem primary opponent, Patrick Murphy, is the top recipient of Wall Street money among any candidate for the U.S. Senate who isn't an incumbent. Murphy pushes Wall Street's agenda in the House Financial Services Committee and the banksters have rewarded Murphy with $1,054,300 so far, the only none incumbent candidate from either party already over a million dollars. Murphy is Wall Street's #1 priority. Grayson doesn't get bankster money. He's dependent on small dollar contributors like us.Alan Grayson is the one of the most valuable members of Congress, if not the most valuable member. He's accomplished more than any other member from either party and has been a leader on issues from fiscal responsibility and peace to health care and consumer protection. He's an independent-minded and brilliant congressman and really someone much needed in the Senate to hold McConnell and Schumer to a higher standard.Any contribution to Grayson's Senate campaign on the special Blue America "Violator" page means you could be the lucky 100,000 contributor and get the very rare, very collectible Depeche Mode Mexican platinum award-- not to mention help Alan win a seat in the Senate where he'll be working alongside Elizabeth Warren, Jeff Merkley and Sherrod Brown.