This is not specific to Gaza, but rather to humanity as a whole. Very worth re-listening multiple times.  

Akala official youtube
lyric excerpts from a brilliant piece of art:
“…See lately I feel confused with the boxes
Cause to me all they do is breed conflict
It not that I’ve lost touch with the
Reality racism, sexism and nationality
Just to me it all seems like insanity
Why must I rob you of your humanity

To feel good about mine, it’s all about crime
Dehumanizing is how I justify it
So I must keep on lying about the history of Africa
So I can live the with massacres and
Repeat my mantra of Muslim and terrorist so
I can sleep at night as bombs take flight
Eyes wide but I’m blind to the sight too busy chasing
The perfect life and the working class keep them uneducated
Truly educated men could never be racist, to educate is to draw out
What is within are we not all not the same under the skin
I got a heart like yours that pumps blood and oxygen
…if I’m honest I am just tired
Tired of everyday filling up my car and knowing that
I’m paying for the bombs in Iraq
The only way we can ever change anything
Is to look in the mirror and find no enemy
The only way we can ever change anything,
look in the mirror and find no enemy…”Filed under: gaza random
