Aid of former UK PM calls for Theresa May’s resignation

Steve Hilton was something of David Cameron’s right hand man for many years. He’s no socialist and no conservative, just as Cameron was neither. He represents a neo-liberal strata of neo-conservatism (if there is even a real difference anymore) that Theresa May’s Conservative party is said to represent, but one which looks increasingly like a rudderless Titanic.
Hilton has now blamed May directly for a dereliction of duty which caused the recent ISIS terrorist attack in London. May who had been Home Secretary since 2010 before becoming Prime Minister in 2016, was accused by Hilton of trying to shift blame and hide her own guilt for the incident in the following Tweets.

Theresa May responsible for security failures of London Bridge, Manchester, Westminster Bridge. Should be resigning not seeking re-election
— steve hilton (@SteveHiltonx) June 5, 2017

Theresa May blame-shifting again. her spin doctors attack MI5, but she was in charge of them for years…
— steve hilton (@SteveHiltonx) June 5, 2017

This represents the biggest figure of the David Cameron years to come out and condemn Theresa May and what’s more condemn her in the one area she ever claimed leadership in: domestic security. In this sense she is an abject failure.
David Cameron and his long time ally George Osborne have been noticeably absent from the campaign. Meanwhile, former Cameron friend Boris Johnson has come to be more of a liability to both Cameron and May than anything else.
Theresa May who is currently in a dead heat with opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn is looking increasingly isolated from her own party.
David Cameron, George Osborne and Steve Hilton represented a kind of post-modern neo-conservatism that was socially liberal, liberal in terms of presentation and interventionist in terms of foreign policy. While May is  a foreign policy interventionist too, it is unclear if she even is aware of the implications of any foreign policy. Senior moderate Conservative Kenneth Clarke once said she knew nothing about foreign affairs and it is not difficult to see how he reached that conclusion.
But what is looking increasingly more important is that stylistically, she is miles away from Cameron. Her rhetoric is far colder and more scripted. She has made few real attempts to reach out to non-traditional Conservative voters, while many traditional Conservatives are increasingly talking openly about her perception as an incompetent leader. She has also alienated many pro-EU Conservatives by taking a stance on Brexit that talks tough yet offers no real proposals.
While many are talking about the opposition Labour party climbing in the polls, an equally important story is that under May, the Conservative party’s own base is  becoming indifferent. Many may stay home or else vote for the Liberal Democratic party who are very much like a David Cameron Conservative party in most respects.
The post Aid of former UK PM calls for Theresa May’s resignation appeared first on The Duran.
