Again Back To My Roots: More Exposure Of The Fraud Project Apollo Moon Landings - Fabulous Video: American Moon!

I want to change subjects once again and present further new evidence here at this blog exposing what is probably the greatest lie in human history (other than that so called genocide of the second world war that I cannot talk about..)... That is of course the Apollo moon missions of 1968-1972.....  I have been attacking that fraud from the moment I first started writing this blog, and I have further evidence that absolutely blows the entire scam to bits...I want to present the following very important video, entitled "American Moon" right here for everyone to see for themselves.... It is well over 3 hours in length and contains a fabulous break down of every fact presented by those who still believe that we actually landed men on the moon, and tears that 'evidence' apart.... Here is that video presentation here, and I do  have my own thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes:  I watched this video several times and I have found nothing to disagree with the evidence presented..The only fact that was missed in this entire video is how film on the lunar surface in the lunar vacuum was in fact impossible for not only the fact that the film would have never survived the intense radiation on the lunar surface and the horrendous temperatures encountered between -250 degrees fahrenheit (-150 celcuis) and +250 degrees fahrenheit (+120 degrees celsius)... BUT that film would have dissolved in the horrendous vacuum on the lunar surface (10 to the minus 12 or worse TORR value) due to outgassing from the film itself..... This is due to the fact that for film to operate in the vacuum of space, it has to be partially pressurized in the neighbourhood of around 1 pound per square inch to prevent the film dissolving due to outgassing!  This is fact and has been proven from research into how spy satellites and lunar orbiters operated in the 1960's to early 1970's before the advent of digital cameras came about....And of course the Italian film experts are absolutely correct in this video when they show that the light source for the pictures taken on the "lunar surface" were indeed impossible unless they used spotlights or more sources of light on the moon other than the Sun....  That has already  been proven by so many other Apollo hoax researchers as well.....I also must reiterate here that I am presenting this video under the terms of the freedom of usage of information for this blog for readers to view for themselves, and am NOT going to upload this video onto my own Youtube account.... I am also asking others to view this video but to NOT upload it onto their own accounts as well as the producers are requesting....Yes, another great video that blows Project Apollo to bits..... And again, I must reiterate that knowing that Project Apollo was a lie does NOT make someone a "flat earth believer"... That bullshit should never ever be equated to knowing that mankind did not go to the moon at all......More to comeNTS