ADL to Trump: Distance Yourself From Duke, “White Supremacists”

The Anti-Defamation League, an anti-White Jewish supremacist organization masquerading as a “civil rights” outfit fighting for the rights of all people, has demanded that Donald Trump distance himself from Dr. David Duke and other “White supremacists”, and is requesting he disavow their supposedly “hateful” and “bigoted” ideology. Dr. Duke and other pro-White leaders and spokesman have made supportive statements about Trump’s candidacy, primarily because of his entirely rational and legitimate stance on immigration.

.@realDonaldTrump After KKK leader David Duke’s endorsement, you’ve got to come out firmly against this bigotry.
— ADL (@ADL_National) February 25, 2016

The ADL laughably describes itself as a non-partisan organization that takes “no position on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for office.” Who do these people think they’re kidding?
According to a recent press release from the ADL:

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today called on presidential candidate Donald Trump to distance himself from white nationalist and former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke, as well as other white supremacists, and publicly condemn their racism.
Although he did not explicitly endorse Mr. Trump, David Duke recently said on his radio program, “Voting against Donald Trump at this point is really treason to your heritage.” He encouraged listeners to volunteer for the campaign, saying that at Trump campaign offices, “you’re going to meet people that have the same kind of mindset that you have.”
“Mr. Trump may have distanced himself from white supremacists, but he must do so unequivocally,” said Marvin D. Nathan, ADL National Chair, and Jonathan A. Greenblatt, ADL CEO. “It is time for him to come out firmly against these bigoted views and the people that espouse them.” […]

Whites who care about the future of their nation and people are “hateful bigots,” according to the Jews and leftist political and media establishment. Do they really think their childish name-calling games are going to work forever?
The real question is: how will Donald Trump respond to the ADL and hostile media outlets demanding that he distance himself from Dr. Duke and other pro-White advocates? Thus far, Trump has basically told the media that he doesn’t need an endorsement from anyone, which is probably the wisest strategy to pursue at this point.
In an ideal world, Trump would openly welcome support from all patriotic Americans, including pro-White activists such as Dr. David Duke, and denounce the anti-White hate organization known as the ADL for attempting to intimidate and control him.
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