6 Ways We Should Change the US Constitution, According to Former Supreme Ct. Justice (NOT GOOD)

Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens spoke at the John F. Kennedy Library in Boston about how it is essential and appropriate for Supreme Court Justices to consider politics when deciding on Constitutional questions.
Stevens has written a book entitled, “Six Amendments: How and Why We Should Change the Constitution” and calls for severe restrictions on gun rights; as well as curbing free speech.
In this book, Stevens proposes these changes to the US Constitution:
• Measure to redraw district lines for political advantage
• Abolish the death penalty
• Limit money political candidates and supporters of campaigns
• Stricter gun control
• Abolish states’ sovereign immunity
Stevens said: “The first four would nullify judge-made rules, the fifth would expedite the demise of the death penalty, and the sixth would confine the coverage of the Second Amendment to the area intended by its authors.”
In his book, Stevens details “six specific ways in which the Constitution should be amended in order to protect our democracy and the safety and wellbeing of American citizens.”
In 1997, Stevens dissented in the case Printz v. United States and still insists that Congress needs to alter current federal gun law enforcement.
Two years ago, Stevens said that America should do ““whatever we could to prevent [another Sandy Hook shooting] from happening again.”
Read THE REST HERE: Occupy Corporatism
