430: CONSPIR-A-THON (Silver Screen Edition Part 3) - From the Metropolis Future To the Star Wars Past

Back by popular demand! Stephanie Murphy and Brian Sovryn return to School Sucks for a free-form, extended discussion on the topic of conspiracy theories. This time our focus is on Hollywood, pop culture, film and the broader entertainment industry.

-Maybe the environment is a little sick?
-Disney's X-Rated Easter eggs?
-Roland Emmerich - writer (The Day After Tomorrow, Godzilla, Stargate, Independence Day, 10,000 B.C., 2012)
-Terry Rossio and Ted Elliot (National Treasure, The Road to El Dorado)
-German Expressionism, with historical context
-Fritz Lang and Metropolis (1927)
-L. Frank Baum, Theosophy and the allegorical Wizard of Oz
-Occult themes in Star Wars
-Maybe the environment is a little sick? (revisited)

Look Closer:
Sovryn Tech Podcast - https://soundcloud.com/sovryntech
Stephanie Murphy: Website - http://www.smvoice.info/
Brett's Notes - https://www.evernote.com/pub/brettveinotte/part2conspira-thonsse

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