407: Advanced Productivity Tools - The Secret Weapons of A Lifestyle Entrepreneur

SSP Productivity Month!
My guest is Kevin Geary, integrative health coach and founder of RebootedBody.com and RevolutionaryParent.com. Kevin is a busy lifestyle entrepreneur, writer, husband and father. Impressed with his levels of productivity and success, I originally added him to the guest roster for SSP Productivity Month to explore a "day in the life of Kevin." However, we spent most of this conversation focusing on Kevin's tools and strategies - it's a highly valuable conversation for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Tools & Apps:
- GMAIL (web + IOS)
Labeling system
All email addresses routed to same place
- Google Calendar (web + IOS)
Keep track of appointments + automated reminders
- Way of Life (IOS)
Secret weapon for making sure key behaviors are accomplished/avoided in specific patterns.
- ActiveCampaign
All mass email communication
Marketing automation
Automated email sequences for lead gen
Automated emails based on specific page visits
Automated on-boarding emails for academy
- Asana (web + IOS)
Project management
Task management
- Intercom (web + IOS)
Support + Coaching platform
Automated outreach to non-engaged members
On-site sales lead communication
Behavior/engagement based automated messaging in academy
- Evernote (web + IOS)
Mostly for storing ideas (articles, podcasts, courses & products, emails, etc)
- MindMeister
Secret weapon for course/product outlining
- CoSchedule
Automated social media
- HootSuite
Pre-scheduled social media
- Calendly
Automated appointment scheduling for podcast guests, 1-1 coaching calls, sales calls, etc.
Automated call reminders, rescheduling, etc. (less no-shows, less back-forth emails)
- Pocket (web + IOS)
Collect articles for later reading

This month SSP has partnered with FEE, the Foundation For Economic Education. Are you between the ages of 14-26? Are you interested in Entrepreneurship? Learn More about FEE's seminars here.

Look Closer:
Mind Meister

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