4 Oscar 2017 moments that made you want to vomit

The Oscars once again proved how out of touch with the everyday American the hollywood lefty elite truly are.
The entire night was spent either bashing President Trump, lecturing “peasant” Americans on values, or blathering on about how “special” it is to be a movie star.
Here are 4 Oscar 2017 moments that showcase hollywoods hypocrisy and snobbery…

1. Viola Davis’ acceptance speech.

After winning Best Supporting Actress Davis arrogantly stated, “I became an artist, and thank God I did, because we are the only profession that celebrates what it means to live a life.”
Forget doctors, police, bankers, journalists, plumbers, engineers, programmers, farmers…only artists know how to live life.

2. Busing in tourists like cattle to worship at feet of the hollywood elite.

Some people found this funny, others thought it was gross.
It was gross, and showcased the arrogance of rich actors, who viewed these “everyday” tourists like cute peasants, while the tourists walked around the front of the stage (smartphones filming), as if in the presence of gods.

3. Meryl Streep receives a standing ovation for giving an idiotic speech at the Golden Globes.

Meryl Streep blasted Donald Trump, MMA and football fans at the Golden Globes, in what was a bonehead speech only a hollywood snob can pull off.
She has not made a good film in 30 years, but for her US President bashing speech, she got a standing ovation.

4. Jimmy Kimmel talks about toilets and Trump.

Jimmy Kimmel called Donald Trump a racist in his opening monologue, and continued to blame him for the entire world not liking America. Kimmel also made a stupid joke about President Trump tweeting on the toilet.
Would Kimmel ever joke about Obama and his bowel movements? We are sure such a joke about Obama would trigger Kimmel, and the entire snowflake left.
Kimmel said. “You’re nominated, you got to come, your families are nominated, your friends. Some of you will be able to come up here on the stage tonight and give a speech that the president of the United States will tweet about in all caps during his 5 a.m. bowel movement tomorrow.”

“Remember last year when it seemed like the Oscars were racist,” – @jimmykimmel #Oscars pic.twitter.com/MazbNpX2Yr
— On The Red Carpet (@OnTheRedCarpet) February 27, 2017

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