4 Major GMO Threats that Endanger Our World Every Day

When genetic engineering was just a frontier science, the possibilities it presented were portrayed as positive and innovative, especially for agriculture. Make crops grow fuller, faster. Eliminate the need for pesticides. Make more food available for bigger populations. However, from its onset, genetic modification has raised questions over the safety of the process and outcome, as well as crossing boundaries of nature and morals. Especially as the experiments become more bizarre.

1. GMOs Contaminating Organics

Bio-engineering companies like Monsanto are now notorious for making and spreading their GMO products in an attempt to subvert organic farmers and monopolize the agriculture industry. When these GMO crops are planted in proximity to normal produce, they can contaminate the organic crops and make them do anything from fail, to destroy their ability to yield seeds, or produce BT bacteria which is meant to act as a pesticide, but does little when the insect populations themselves mutate and develop an immunity to it.
And when normal produce is contaminated in this manner, the company responsible can claim that an independent farmer is using their patented product without permission. This gives independents the choice to either “join or die” with these major biotech companies.

2. GMOs Fueling Superbugs

Meanwhile, this genetic modification has led to weeds and insects in the ecosystem around them developing immunity to the pesticides, and so there are less options to control the increasingly virulent weed and insect populations. Biotech’s solution, though, is to use a greater amount of toxic pesticides and herbicides like Roundup, essentially creating a chemical cocktail that ends up on many people’s dinner plates.

3. Despite Potential Dangers, GMOs go Unlabeled

It’s already known that GMO food can potentially spark a host of negative side effects to those who consume it. Despite this, most GMO food goes unlabeled, giving no warning to the average shopper, or any hint of the possible damage it is doing to their body. If the moniker “you are what you eat” holds true, then millions of people worldwide are becoming as genetically unstable as the food being produced and consumed.

4. Too Many Unanswered Questions and Scary Possiblities

It has long been a topic to include medications, vaccines and other possibly volatile organisms into the foods themselves. Whether or not it is safe or effective (which it has become increasingly evident that it is not safe or sound at all), it is highly unethical to not inform the public of what is in their food and to give them a choice to accept or refuse it.
The BT bacteria is just one of many toxic GMOs that is having effects on the population at large by slowly damaging the intestines and other organs, sometimes for extended periods as it can linger in the body long after the food has been eaten.
What happens when you start crossing different species of animals, or putting animal DNA into humans, or vice versa? How do you treat the life of a creature that is a part animal/human hybrid? What kind of undue effects does this have on the biology of the creatures themselves? Does it cause them pain or shorten their lifespan? What about cloned organisms?
When genetically modified ‘chimera’ creatures like spidergoats, glowing mammals, or organ donor animals emerge, all of these questions come into play. Because of the nature of genetic modification is so volatile, there is still is no concise answer to just how much one modification is effecting organisms for months or years afterwards, or what kind of effects using these products can have on a human being.
Because there is no way to reverse or track the effects of genetic modification, this makes it very dangerous for anything GMO to be introduced into our lives or environment at a small or large level.

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