36 children dead after being injected with UN-supplied tainted measles vaccine in rebel-held Syria north (+ US Sends Military to deal w/ ‘Ebola”)

36 children dead after being injected with UN-supplied tainted measles vaccine in rebel-held Syria north
16 Sept 2014 As many as 36 children were reported to have died excruciating deaths last night after receiving tainted measles vaccines under a UN-sponsored programme in the rebel-held north of Syria. “The Syrian interim government’s health ministry has instructed a halt to the second round of the measles vaccination campaign, which began Monday…following several fatalities and injuries among children in vaccination centres in the Idlib countryside,” a statement said. Medical experts said a contaminated batch of the vaccine was the most likely explanation for the incident.
U.S. government likely to respond to Ebola pandemic with military force, martial law and forced vaccines –The vaccine industry already has absolute legal immunity and zero liability from the harm caused by their products. 16 Sept 2014 The U.S. government is putting plans in place right now to invoke extreme emergency actions across the USA in response to an anticipated Ebola outbreak sweeping through U.S. cities. Late last week, the U.S. State Department ordered 160,000 Ebola hazmat suits in anticipation of an outbreak, and President Obama has already called upon the Pentagon to dispatch troops and supplies to Africa. Earlier this summer, Obama signed a curious executive order that claims to grant federal officers the lawful right to arrest and quarantine anyone who shows symptoms of an infection.

