357: Adverse Childhood Experiences and Resilience (Part 4 - Acknowledgement, Acceptance, Action)

With Wes Bertrand and Matt Amberson

Discussed Today:


-This study is a great way to introduce the importance of childhood experiences to our lives.
-ACE shows clearly that what happens affects our later years.
-Childhood treatment is important to the health of the individual.
-Two thirds of us have some ACE but all of us are subject to counterproductive childhood experiences.
-What affects us is what was done to us but also what wasn't done.
-We need touch, play, nurturing to thrive.
-These affect us in a continuum from addiction to smaller irrational behaviors.
-ACE is great to show the correlation but there is a whole lot more on the continuum.
-ASK because we ACT.
-Bias to sickness, abuse will affect our lives unless we do something about it.
-Understanding our childhood is important to understanding ourselves, our relationships, community, society, history and our future.
-Relationships friends, mate, children how we are triggered and subconsciously communicate trauma.

Common Psychological Wounds (Gerlach)

Growing up in a low-nurturance childhood seems to promote two or more of these:

1) A disabled true Self, which causes a mix of...
2) Excessive shame and guilt, and...
3) Excessive fears, and ...
4) Significant reality distortions, and...
5) Excessive trust or distrust
6) Difficulty feeling, empathizing, and bonding (attaching to / caring about / loving) other living things.

Other Topics

-Neuroscience and mindfulness
-self-integration: a critical thinking approach to the emotions
-comedy can help reprocess trauma

Look Closer:

Amazon.com Widgets

Amazon.com Widgets

Complete Liberty Inside Out: Honoring Yourself and Others for Optimal Enrichment - http://amzn.to/1B1CdFo
Wes: CompleteLiberty.com/ - http://completeliberty.com/
Complete Liberty Series on trauma - http://completeliberty.com/magazine/read/episode-209---the-nature-of-tr…
Matt: DeadEasyLife.com - http://deadeasylife.com/
Linking childhood trauma to long-term health and social consequences: What is The ACE Study? - http://www.acestudy.org/
AcesTooHigh.com/ - http://acestoohigh.com/
Happiness Counseling Resources - http://happinesscounseling.com/happiness-resources/
CLP Episode 212 - Adverse Childhood Experiences and reflections on therapeutic solutions - http://completeliberty.com/magazine/read/episode-212---adverse-childhoo…
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma - http://www.amazon.com/The-Body-Keeps-Score-Healing/dp/0670785938
Peter Gerlack on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCegNhGTqlWjgOqaCsj_7pxw

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