342: Conformity vs. The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem (with Jake Desyllas)

Jake Desyllas recently invited me on The Voluntary Life Podcast to discuss conformity. Topics covered include:
-How conformity to "normal" spending habits prevents people achieving financial independence
-Solomon Asch's conformity experiments and what we can learn from them
-How conformity can alter your perception
-The importance of allies in resisting conformity
-The role of privacy in reducing conformity
-The danger of conforming to a subculture (and still being a conformist)
-How exposure to different views can increase your independence of thought

Look Closer:
Jake's Site: The Voluntary Life - http://www.thevoluntarylife.com/
Asch conformity experiments - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asch_conformity_experiments
Solomon Asch: Opinions and Social Pressure (1955) - http://www.panarchy.org/asch/social.pressure.1955.html
Milgram experiment - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment
Neurobiological Correlates of Social Conformity and Independence During Mental Rotation - http://www.darkcoding.net/research/Berns%20Conformity%20final%20printed…
Jake Desyllas on School Sucks Podcast - http://schoolsucksproject.com/tag/jake-desyllas/

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