299 (Supplemental): Remember To Be Kind To Yourself...Seriously

Brett, Wes Bertrand and Carlos Morales all in the studio together for the first time ever. For a recent episode of Truth Over Comfort Podcast, Carlos invited us to discuss hedonism and libertinism, but the conversation become so much more. Edited by Brett

Some Highlights
Balancing Pleasure and Responsibility
Libertarianism and rebellion
Stoicism and Epicureanism
Rand's unrealistic heroes
Getting Things Done
self-destructive behaviors as the result of self-shaming
Expressing concern empathetically
Making the 6 Pillars of Self-Esteem explicit
Hearing the word "should" when it isn't there
Keeping people at arms length
Spheres of personal influence and control

Bumper Music:
Andy Grammer - Back Home

Look Closer:
Wes Bertrands Site: Complete Liberty - http://completeliberty.com/

Bill Buppert's Site - http://zerogov.com/