269: The Shame Debate, With Thaddeus Russell

Part 3 in the survey series, A Renegade History Course. This is the third discussion with historian Thaddeus Russell, the author of A Renegade History of the United States. Discussed Today:-challenging ourselves with new voices and ideas-smoking pot in the Crown Plaza Hotel: aggression?-Kevin Carson and property rights-Is offensive behavior forwarding freedom-the presentation of liberty activists-what brings change?-employers vs. workers-are employment "contracts" really voluntary?-the state/corporate web-Fabianism: the state's gradual war on all fronts-Is the public ready for topless women on the street?-Miley Cyrus, freedom fighter?-Super Bowl commercial sexism?-balancing pleasure with personal responsibility-the cultural demand for a nuclear family-Can we discuss morality without shaming?-Self-regulation for and against the state-Cultural imperialism and cause consciousness-Founding Hypocrites: Jefferson, Adams and RushBumper Music:"Today" - Jefferson Airplane"Pass That Dutch (Instrumental)" - Missy Elliott "They Reminisce Over You" (Instrumental) - DJ Shoji"Party In the USA" Miley Cyrus Look Closer:Thaddeus Russell's Site - www.thaddeusrussell.comThaddeus On Stossel - http://youtu.be/xpelVE7trK0