263: The Libertarian Homeschooler - A Discussion With Ana Martin

Today I am joined by Ana Martin, who has built a Facebook following of over 40,000 people at The Libertarian Homeschooler. Discussion Outline:-Were you a homeschooler who found libertarian or vice versa?-What/who led to you to (whichever came first)?-Austrian economics -How does the philosophy of liberty inform your educational environment?-Have you found challenges in developing a consistent philosophy of parenting and education?-Recommendations to parents who are starting to question traditional or compulsory schooling?-How have you incorporated the Trivium?(methods/resources/successes/challenges)-History discussions through the lenses of economics and motivations-Developmental stages (Sayers): Poll-Parrot, the Pert, and the PoeticLook Closer:The Well-Trained Mind - http://www.welltrainedmind.com/Mises.org - http://mises.org/T&H Trivium Resources - https://www.tragedyandhope.com/trivium/The Lost Tools of Learning, by Dorothy Sayers - http://www.gbt.org/text/sayers.htmlLearn Liberty - http://www.learnliberty.org/