238a: Presence and Productivity #1 - The Only Time Is Now

This is the first installment in a series of shows inspired by my experience with and successes after reading the book, Getting Things Done by David Allen.

Discussed Today:
-Present moment awareness and engagement
-What is serenity through force?
-finding serenity in what might seem like chaos
-Observation and identification
-The impact of clutter in your surroundings competes for your attention
-How procrastination leads to resignation
-Emotional attachments to "stuff"
-Your mind, the computer: what programs are running in the background?

Look Closer:
David Allen, Getting Things Done - http://www.davidco.com/

The Trivium method - http://www.triviumeducation.com/

tragedyandhope.com - http://www.tragedyandhope.com/

Mindsight - http://drdansiegel.com/about/mindsight/