2018 In Review: Special NAZI Edition-A Holiday Cornucopia Of Republican Wackos. The Whole World Is Watching, Part 9

by NoahWell, the year is almost over and my annual year in review will soon come to an end. But, before I get to that point, I thought it might be nice to shine a light on some of the other lesser republican nutjobs, assorted party luminaries, up and comers, relative unknowns, and ordinary Republican citizens alike. Today’s installment is a small sample of Republicans who really let their Nazi flag fly in 2018. That’s not to ignore the fact that to be a Nazi is to be a Republican and vice-versa, but I’ve chosen these few Hitler worshipers for special mention. They are just choice examples of what it is to be a republican in 2018.1. Rep. Steve King (KKK-IA) – How could I not start with the pride of Iowa himself, Steve King. This Steve King is not to be confused with the famous author Stephen King. That Steve King is a swell guy and a progressive. He writes horror stories. Iowa’s Steve King IS a horror story. He is proud of what he is and so are Iowa voters who keep re-election him no matter what he says of or does. He is a racist par-excellence and that sits fine with them. King may be best known for his 2013 statement that immigrants are mostly evil marijuana smugglers with “calves the size of cantaloupes.” But this year he gave a whole charred hearted endorsement to a white supremacist mayoral candidate in Toronto.King also made some headlines this year when he said that members of an Austrian Nazi party called Austria’s Freedom Party would all be Republicans if they came to the U.S. He’s correct of course. None of this fazed Iowans one bit. He was reelected in November.2. Arthur Jones - Arthur Jones was the Republican Party’s nominee in Illinois’ 3rd Congressional District in the 2018 Midterms. Jones received over 20,000 votes in the local GOP Primary after, amazingly or not, running unopposed. He was picked to run against incumbent Democrat Dan Lipinski. After the primary the fact that Jones is a Nazi and a Holocaust Denier made the national news. Local Republicans suddenly claimed to be shocked and appalled. It was “We had no idea wink wink” time. Some even suggested that Republicans abstain from voting. Of course, they could, if they had wanted to make sure their guy didn’t win, recommend that their voters vote for Lipinski who might as well be a Republican anyway. Jones got over 56,000 votes from Nazi-supporting Republicans (very fine people) in his district but he lost. Sounds like the Illinois 3rd isn’t a great place to live or even pass through.Oh, and Jones wasn’t the only Neo-Nazi who ran as a Republican in 2018. There’s Sean Donahue, Republican House candidate in Illinois, Paul Nehlen Republican House candidate in Wisconsin, and Patrick Little Republican Senate candidate in California; just to name 3. Fortunately, they didn’t get to their goal but just the fact that they were able to run in the Republican Party speaks volumes.3. Susan Lamerton – And speaking of Nazi-supporting republicans (very fine people), Tampa, Florida TV station WFLA reported that neighbors described the decorations outside realtor Susan Lamerton’s house in New Port Richie, FL as “pure hate.” The Nazi-themed decorations featured skeletons dressed as concentration camp victims, replete with Stars of David on their chests and tattoos. Some of the skeletons were seen giving a Heil Hitler salute, and a sign near them reads “Arbeit Macht Frei,” the German phrase translating to “work sets you free” that was emblazoned on the gates of Auschwitz and other concentration camps. A search of Lamerton’s social media accounts revealed that last year, she shared posts from the Angry Patriot Movement blog, a pro-Trump fake news website.“Drain the swamp and send the idiots home,” the realtor wrote alongside a link that claimed Donald Trump got “the final laugh” during a battle of words with Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA). Lamerton’s “Liked” pages include “Team Trump,” her county’s Republican Party page and pages for Melania Trump and Donald Trump Jr. There was no word as to whether or not Lamerton would be hired to design the staging for the 2020 Republican National Convention.4. Walter Kanzler - Or should we call him Walter KKKanzler? KKKanzler, a Florida (There’s that state again!) gun dealer celebrated National Gun Day by openly selling his wares at the Kentucky Expo Center. He offered Nazi Christmas ornaments and KKK robes at his table. KKKanzler’s homepage features a Nazi hat with a swastika. KKKanzler claims he has no political agenda. The Kentucky State Fair board says it is now, finally in 2018, considering a ban on such items at its venues.5. Tucker Carlson – Tucker Carlson, the prime time pride of FOX “News” and Neo-Nazis all across the land! Carlson has made a career of fighting the idea that diversity of any kind is an American value, has repeatedly attacked the NAACP and called it a joke, and often tried to play down the effects of slavery on the human psyche. In Carllson’s disturbed mind, “the Mexicans” are interfering with our elections by “packing the electorate.” But, his top moment of Nazism this year was his claim that “white genocide” is going on right now in South Africa. In your deluded dreams, Tucker. In your deluded dreams. Carlson has gotten so encouraged by his viewers and FOX “News” employers that even one top conservative (just one apparently), Bill Kristol, stated in his blog that Carlson’s show is now “close to racism.” Really? Ya think? Close?6. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) – So often it’s Florida! What a shocker. When it came time for the 2018 State Of The Union Address back in January, most people in congress invited their wives, husbands, hurricane victims, recently returned military personnel, a person from their district who saved innocent lives… you get the picture. Not Rep. Gaetz of Florida’s 1st District! Of all of the people he could have invited, he invited a real Holocaust-denying, white nationalist NAZI named Chuck Johnson! Way to go Gaetz! You just took that giant leap out of your Nazi closet and showed the world what you are! Were you just trying to curry favor with Trump and the rest of the Republican Party leadership. Was that it? If so, I’m sure you succeeded. I’m guessing your district is quite a bunch of goosesteppers. When the controversy over his guest surfaced, Gaetz said he didn’t know about Johnson’s Nazi beliefs. Qutoe, “I had no idea who he was.” Yeah, right. You invite the guy to be your guest at an ultra high profile national event and you just didn’t know much about him. Sure. Gaetz’s love of Nazis didn’t perturb voters in his district at all. In fact, it probably helped. He was reelected in November. Flor-i-duh.