100 Years Ago Today, The Sinking Of The RMS Lusitania

Today marks the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the RMS Lusitania off the coast of Ireland... That sinking has always been one of intense controversy and was used as a propaganda weapon to help propel the United States into the first World War....For this article and to mark the 100th anniversary of that important date in history, I want to present the following link to a most important James Perloff article that exposes some of the real truths about the Lusitania and its sinking.... The article is entitled: " False Flag At Sea: The Lusitania, Woodrow Wilson, And The Deceptions That Dragged America Into World War I".... Here is that link to that article (I decided due to the length of this article and its importance not to place it here, but instead link to it...) for all to see for themselves, and I do have my usual thoughts and comments to follow:http://jamesperloff.com/2014/05/21/false-flag-at-sea/ NTS Notes:  Yes, the simple matter is that the Lusitania was indeed carrying munitions to Great Britain from the United States in defiance of all international law... The fact that the Lusitania was indeed a weapons transport vessel made it absolutely a legitimate war target.Was has never been understood was the circumstances that followed when the German submarine, U20 commanded by Walther Schwieger put a single torpedo into its starboard side below the bridge.  That single torpedo should absolutely NOT have sunk the vessel, but the facts are that there was a serious of secondary explosions in the Lusitania itself that caused its demise... There has always been strong speculation that the secondary explosions were caused by the onboard munitions blowing up, and that was in fact verified when divers on a 2008 expedition to the wreck of the Lusitania found the remains of artillery shells and other munitions....The fact is that the Lusitania was indeed set up to be sunk... The Allied forces and their Jewish controllers wanted to have Germany vilified at all cost and they went to work with their propaganda machine in America to ruin Germany right after the Lusitania was destroyed....It was indeed one of the catalysts that convinced most Americans to finally join in the war on Germany in April, 1917.....The real truth about the sinking of the Lusitania can now be told.... It was a set up and indeed a major false flag event in our history..... And history always has a habit of repeating itself as we wait for the next false flag event to launch us into another world war....More to comeNTS