“What is the EU?” – Clueless Brits Frantically Googling Hours AFTER Polls Close

Stuart J. Hooper
21st Century Wire

This is fantastically terrifying.
Both the Washington Post and RT are reporting new statistics from Google Trends that reveal the Brits may have been totally clueless about the EU referendum.
The incredibly basic question of: “What is the EU?”, has been the second-most popular query received by Google after the Brexit results were announced in the early hours of Friday morning.

“What is the EU?” is the second top UK question on the EU since the #EURefResults were officially announced pic.twitter.com/1q4VAX3qcm
— GoogleTrends (@GoogleTrends) June 24, 2016

RT suggests that, ‘it seems many Britons didn’t actually know what they were voting for on Thursday’.
The Washington Post also examines the equally frightening fact that those who voted for the Brexit are now saying they regret their decision:
“Even though I voted to leave, this morning I woke up and I just — the reality did actually hit me,”
“If I’d had the opportunity to vote again, it would be to stay.”
Perhaps, this trend of flip-flopping has emerged because people are seeing the material effects the vote has had on the stock markets, and are hearing the warnings from financial experts that this is just the beginning of the chaos.
What explains the widespread political ignorance among Western populations?