“How Black Lives Matter Hijacked Our Schools” – Review

Are you an American citizen? If you are, and especially if you are a parent, you should watch this rant by Glenn Beck.
Black Lives Matter is a relatively new arrival on the political scene, and it is only with the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis that it has really gained traction, but in that time it has cast a dark shadow over America’s cities.  It appear though to have been working behind the scenes for much longer, and now its braindead supporters and white “allies” are planning to indoctrinate the next generation, from the kindergarten.
Beck claims to have been leaked eight hundred files to that effect by a black conservative teacher that exposes these plans in full.
This is far from new, of course, kids on both sides of the Atlantic have been indoctrinated by left wing teachers for decades, especially on the subject of race, but the Black Lives Matter plan includes the teaching of critical race theory, ie the garbage of white privilege and intersectionality. Not content with that, they want a captive audience, which is why the teaching unions want to eliminate school vouchers.
Beck interviews Betsy DeVos, who is right on the money, and the fightback has already begun, because the Marxists have clearly overplayed their hand. Not only are America’s cities burning, but telling kids not to allow their parents to see what they are being taught on-line is overtly sinister.
How great is the danger? Probably not as great as Beck thinks, and it is whites who are more likely to be indoctrinated than blacks, especially on account of the sexual content of this curriculum. Homosexuality is illegal in much of Africa, and American blacks are for the most part equally repulsed by “progressive” ideas about sex, especially those who have any kind of church influence in their families.
It would be a mistake to blame all this on Black Lives Matter though; these people may think they are bright but ultimately they are simply pawns in the game. As far back as the 1950s, the Reece Committee to investigate foundations concluded that some very big fish had long been hard at work to promoting a similar agenda, albeit without the same emphasis on race and the sexualisation of the young.
