“Holocaust survivors” appalled at Trump’s “fascist Nazi-style salute”

The radical left and hysterical Jewish activists, writers, and opinion-shapers have compared Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler on multiple occasions, as I have pointed out here repeatedly. The left and the organized Jewish community generally are fearful of a Trump presidency, and view him as a “fascist” and a “racist” who is “scapegoating” minorities.
Indeed, Trump’s public policy positions, particularly on immigration, run entirely contrary to the left’s agenda to systematically undermine and displace White America via massive non-White immigration, forced “diversity” and multiculturalism (i.e., less White people), and political correctness. Anyone opposed to the Jewish agenda to fundamentally transform America and the wider Western world is considered a “racist” and a “Nazi”.
For example, Abe Foxman, the despicable former chief of the anti-White, Jewish supremacist Anti-Defamation League, recently claimed Trump’s insistence that his supporters raise their hands and pledge to vote for him during a rally in Florida was an intentional, Nazi-style “fascist gesture.”
“As a Jew who survived the Holocaust, to see an audience of thousands of people raising their hands in what looks like the ‘Heil Hitler’ salute is about as offensive, obnoxious and disgusting as anything I thought I would ever witness in the United States of America,” Foxman, a self-described “Holocaust survivor,” told The Times of Israel. “We’ve seen this sort of thing at rallies of neo-Nazis. We’ve seen it at rallies of white supremacists. But to see it at a rally for a legitimate candidate for the presidency of the United States is outrageous.”
Watch the following video and judge for yourself whether or not Trump and his supporters deliberately did a “Nazi-style fascist salute” while pledging to vote for Trump, as the unhinged, delusional Jewish activist claims.

Foxman isn’t the only “Holocaust survivor” hysterically attacking and denouncing Trump for acting like a “Nazi” and making “fascist salutes”. The Jewish Daily Forward reported today:

Alfred Münzer, a Holocaust survivor, is nervous: Donald Trump’s increasingly vile campaign for president is becoming increasingly viable.
“I am very worried about what he says. I am much more worried by how it’s received,” Münzer told me in a phone interview from his Washington, D.C., home, as voters in nearby Virginia went to the polls and handed Trump another Super Tuesday victory. “The fact that he’s been able to attract these huge numbers of people, so full of hate — I don’t think I’ve ever encountered anything quite like this.”
Münzer, 74, is a volunteer at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, and takes part in two different monthly groups with other survivors, who are politically engaged and vocal about it. “The topic [Trump] comes up all the time,” he said. “These are people of a variety of political stripes, but on this issue, I really think there is unanimity.” […]
Münzer, a retired physician, traces his abhorrence and fear of Trump back to his experience as a very young child when the Nazis targeted Jews for extinction. “I owe my life to a Muslim Indonesian woman in Holland who risked her life to save me,” he recalled. “Anyone who singles out any kind of community for hate, I find appalling.”
Another survivor who volunteers at the museum, Halina Yasharoff Peabody, told me that she, too, finds herself in a unique state of apprehension over Trump’s candidacy. She was seven when the war broke out in Poland and survived only by the sheer guts and cunning of her mother, who secured false papers so that she and her two daughters could live as Catholics.
“He wants to be a dictator. We’ve had dictators and that can’t be good,” Peabody told me in a phone interview. “It seems unreal, what is happening. I don’t understand how people can follow a person who doesn’t know what the law is.” […]

Do you understand why I don’t particularly care for the Jews? These people are ridiculous – the biggest cry babies in the world! They act as if the world revolves around their feelings and fake narrative of history (which, sadly, it largely does).
If the Jews are so fearful of Donald Trump, they need to pack their bags and move to the Jewish state of Israel, where they can live in peace and harmony with their fellow Jews and not have to worry about “racist,” “bigoted” non-Jews in America like Donald Trump and his supporters.
We absolutely have to get this man in the White House.
America is becoming increasingly more and more polarized, and the anti-Trump crowd is becoming increasingly more and more hysterical and unhinged. It should be obvious to all that Trump represents the greatest threat to the political establishment that has ever manifested in modern American history. And, as regular readers and listeners are well aware, the American political establishment is entirely dominated by organized Jewish interests. Trump is clearly a threat to them.
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