“Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings”

This is not a post about “ Stairway to Heaven”- That doesn't mean we can't listen to the song before we jump into this topic. An 8 minute musical intro. Or listen as you read, whatever!Brief digression: I absolutely hated this song in my younger years- It was so overplayed, I cringed when it came on the radio!So your either listening to this or have listened and are reading attentively? Whichever?We are talking about words having two meanings. You might ask - So what’s the problem with words having two (or more) meanings?Well, the problem is you and I could wrongly assume the name of some thing means some thing it does not- This is where assume can make an ASS out of U & MEAn example of a dual meaning word one that is used against us oftenOne word that has two meanings and is used often in an ‘appeal to authority’ manner is Prestige/Prestigious.Most of us wrongly assume that prestige or prestigious is about:

“the respect and admiration that someone or something gets for being successful or important” “commanding position in people's minds”

If you thought that was all there was to that word, you would be mistaken Prestige  

originates : Mid 17th century (in the sense 'illusion, conjuring trick'): from French, literally 'illusion, glamour', from late Latin praestigium 'illusion', from Latin praestigiae (plural) 'conjuring tricks'. The transference of meaning occurred by way of the sense 'dazzling influence, glamour', at first depreciatory.

Or:Origin of prestige

French origin, originally , illusion, trick ; from Late Latin praestigium ; from Classical Latin praestigiae, altered ; from praestrigiae, deceptions ; from praestringere, to bind, origin, originally , to bind fast ; from prae-, pre- + stringere, to bind: see strain

Prestige is an illusion or a trick that binds you to it.  A prestige draws you in to a ruse in order to fool you. So, when a person is deemed to be prestigious- Their prestige/authority is a trick. It's an illusion carried out for deception. To fool you.Another instance of dual meaning words?A word that is particularly insidious and abundant in dual meaning use at this time is Smart.The use of "smart" is being used in the more traditional use of the word "Spelling". (spelling is another word with more then one meaning) Words used to bewitch or place us into a trance like state- a stupor if you like

 a-A word/s or formula believed to have magic power.b. A bewitched state or trance

We see “spelling” as in spells being cast upon us is in the use of the word “Smart” in everything smart phone/smart cities/ smart grid/ smart metersGet the idea? If not stay with this post and hopefully you will?Smart is yet another of those words with at least two meanings On June 4th/15 I did a post about Love fest between big oil and the UN regarding the carbon taxIn the comment section I asked readers to be mindful that smart also means painSmart = Pain

PennyJune 4, 2015 at 5:14 AMJust wondering if any Canadians checked out Ecofiscal?Hope some did? Cause you will be impressed by that fact that Preston Manning is involved Quoting "I joined the Commission because our future prosperity depends on our ability to grow in the context of a healthy environment. We need smarter fiscal policies to get there.Also notice how many times the word smart/smarter appears the participants testimonials? Keep in mind each time you read smart that means pain/ mental distressBecause another definition for smart is. To cause a sharp, usually superficial, stinging pain: The slap delivered to my face smarted.b. To be the location of such a pain: The incision on my leg smarts.c. To feel such a pain.2. To suffer acutely, as from mental distress, wounded feelings, or remorseThat's the accurate definition for "smart" technology- Don't assume it's clever.

Far too many people are making the mistake in believing smart = cleverBut that does not appear to be the case, at all.Therefore Pain phone, Pain Cities, Pain Grids, Pain MetersPain for who? Of course pain for you! Why pain for you? Because you don’t control these devices. You carry them, employ them, are addicted to them, are tracked by them...  In other words you are controlled by, but, do not control these Pain devicesGet the Idea?Another savvy commenter chimed in

AnonymousJune 4, 2015 at 12:29 PMAstute observation, smart = sting. Take it a bit furtherSting = a carefully planned operation, typically one involving deception.synonyms: swindle, fraud, piece of deception, trickery, cheat, bit of sharp practice Lots of deception associated with this particular sting.

Indeed!While stumbling around the internet today, what did I see?Corporation Nation- Clint Richardson and his show dated June 16th/15

The Topic Tonight:    The Matrix is a Language.  We operate in a Simulacrum of Words!The Language Controls Us, not Vice Versa! We Live in an “EVIL” World – (Being Against Nature.. a Fictional Word)Smart does not mean “Intelligent” – it Means Harm.. (i.e. Harm Phone)

Synchronicity!?  Alternatively does Clint Richardson or his friends read the blog?!Whichever. I was so glad to see someone else pick up on the word manipulation Wow! Pain and Harm go hand in hand- Someone beside me and my sharp commenter are paying attention to the deception being used by the psychos in charge to mislead us, merrily, into our own demise.When the technology does not serve us, other then serving to enslave us, the technology must be shunned by real living breathing human beings.Flashback- One of my favourite video presentations everIf you missed this either time it’s been posted previously here, please, watch it.Consider the information presented- Because often times words have several meanings and we all need to be aware of how language is used and abused to mislead, deceive and to harmJose, should you stop by? I still love this presentation so much and hope you will soon grace us with another one! Yessireeee...From earlier today!

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