“Boy on a Beach” Narrative Riddled with Inconsistencies & Agenda Pushing

Here’s hoping the buzz has  worn off on this latest perception management tale enough to state these facts without trolls and dupes appearing. I am always, always, highly suspicious of agendas being pushed when I witness such overwrought, overly dramatic heart string tugging narratives being woven. “Boy on a Beach” fits the manipulative bill to a tee.Inconsistencies:Canadian residents Confirm they NEVER made application for the assumed fleeing family this soap opera revolves around- This entire narrative emanates from alleged extended family membersCTV

 Citizenship and Immigration Canada said it received no refugee application from the father of the two drowned boys.It did, however, receive an application for Abdullah Kurdi's brother, Mohammed, but said it was incomplete and did not meet regulatory requirements for proof of refugee status recognition.Tima Kurdi confirmed her family had only made an official request for Mohammed Kurdi, explaining she and her husband could only afford to sponsor one brother. They planned to apply for Mohammed first and subsequently bring Abdullah and his family to Canada”

Tima and Mohammed have been providing the narrative for this saga.Multiple contradictory statements in this news item Father buries family in Kobane. Contradicting Statement regarding smugglers Etc., Father makes contradictory claims regarding situation on boat according to Police

Mr Abdullah said the overloaded boat flipped over moments after the captain, described as a Turkish man, panicked and abandoned the vessel, leaving Mr Abdullah as the de facto commander of a small boat in high seas.In a police statement later leaked to the Turkish news agency Dogan, he gave a different account, denying that a smuggler was aboard

So was their a smuggler on board the “overloaded boat” Was there no smuggler? Was there even a boat?More contradictory claims from another family member?Man fleeing Kobani? Man burying family and staying in Kobani?Man trying to go to Europe? Man coming to Canada?

“He only wanted to go to Europe for the sake of his children,” said Suleiman Kurdi, an uncle of the grieving father. “Now that they’re dead, he wants to stay here in Kobani next to them.”

Regarding the cemetery?

“Some graves in the cemetery were haphazardly marked out with borders of concrete blocks”

Unmarked? No names?  I’m having difficulty with the whole narrative of having to flee the area due to fighting, yet being able to come back and have a solemn ceremony to bury an entire family in a “haphazardly marked out’ cemetery-image from BBCAnd one more thing! What if the real story behind the refugee child washed ashore was not the story we were told?BBC

Retired police officer Wynn Dunn, 70, originally of Pwllheli, Gwynedd, lives in Turgutreis a few miles away.

He said such sights had become a "plain fact" in Bodrum.Mr Dunn, who previously ran a security consultancy and has lived in Turkey for 20 years, said residents have become accustomed to seeing "body bags" near the beach.Plain fact'"Because it's been going on here for so long, it's not so shocking. It's a plain fact," he added.Mr Dunn said, despite recent media attention, bodies have been washing up for some time."People don't blink about it, it's a regular routine," he added.

If, as Mr Dunn claims, bodies routinely wash up on these shores would the elite psychos take an opportunity to present a concocted, emotionally appealing, overwrought narrative, through the war mongering,  agenda pushing media  in order to further promote their globally destructive killing agenda?  You bet they would! As my Northern Friend also pointed out:

"This dead 3 year old Syrian boy washing up on the Turkish shore is strangely reminiscent of the "Incubator Babies" fraud story used skillfully by the liars in our governments and media back in 1990 to convince the world that they attack and destroy Iraq for its 'conquest' of Kuwait...."

Agenda Pushing:Kerry stresses need for Syria ground invasionBecause ground invasions result in less persons fleeing war, right? 

 U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said there will be ground troops in Syria, emphasizing that he is convinced of the need to launch ground operations in the war-torn country but “at the appropriate moment”. “There will need to be people on the ground. I am convinced there will be at the appropriate moment.”

 Tie this war push in with the faltering economies & falling global stock markets then consider the ramifications?Of course there are other facets to this narrative:

  •  The global gulag
  • Mono culturing humanity. Destroying human diversity
  • Creating "kurdistan" as an expansion of Israeli influence in the ME