‘There’s sealed evidence on MH370 that cannot be made public’ – Malaysian air force general (New Updates)

Malaysia changes version of last words from missing flight’s cockpit
Malaysia Airlines MH370: Why airlines don’t live-stream black box data (or do they?)

‘There’s sealed evidence on MH370 that cannot be made public’ – Malaysian air force general
26 Mar 2014 A Malaysian team have told relatives of Chinese passengers on board the missing Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flight MH370 that there was sealed evidence that cannot be made public, as they came under fire from the angry relatives at a briefing on Wednesday. The sealed evidence included air traffic control radio transcript, radar data and airport security recordings. The briefing at the Metropark Lido Hotel in Beijing focused on UK satellite analysis which led Malaysia to conclude that flight MH370 ended in south Indian Ocean, off Perth.

MH370 search: Captain Mark Matthews paints pessimistic assessment of black box search
30 Mar 2014 Finding the black box flight recorder of the missing Malaysia Airlines passenger jet is simply “untenable” as things stand at the moment, the US Navy officer who will lead the search has conceded. The deeply pessimistic assessment from Captain Mark Matthews came as the Royal Australian Navy vessel Ocean Shield was being loaded with a “pinger” locator and an underwater drone critical to recovering the black box. However, ADV Ocean Shield will not arrive in the 319,000 square kilometre search area for three to four days, while the beacon on the black box could have only four days of battery power left.

Missing Flight MH370: AirAsia pilot suspended for claiming Kuala Lumpur is ‘hiding facts’
28 Mar 2014 A senior AirAsia pilot has been suspended for suggesting in a Fbook post Malaysian authorities have been “hiding facts” about the disappearance of MH370. “The supposed debris…isn’t even confirmed to be from the plane yet! Show us the proof and then tell us MH370 has crashed,” wrote the pilot from the Kuala Lumpur-based airline. “Till then stop hiding the facts! It’s obvious even to a blind man that there are tons of info the government definitely knows and isn’t sharing yet!,” he wrote. AirAsia’s chief executive officer Tony Fernandes tweeted the senior first officer who he did not name had been suspended pending an investigation.

International panel of intelligence, aviation agencies will be created to probe disappearance of MH370
30 Mar 2014 The Transport Ministry will set up an international committee to probe the disappearance of MH370, says its Acting Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein. He also hinted that international aviation and intelligence agencies would be invited to look into [cover up] the issues over Malaysia’s aviation industry. “I have indicated that not only the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) is doing an inquiry but the ministry is also coming up with an international panel,” he told reporters.

Australia taps former defence chief to coordinate MH370 search support
30 Mar 2014 Australia has appointed a former chief of its defence forces to coordinate the country’s support for the search for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, Prime Minister Tony Abbott said on Sunday. Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston will lead a new Joint Agency Coordination Centre (JACC) based in Perth, from where the search for the missing plane was being carried out in the Indian Ocean. The Australian government is coordinating the search for MH370, which has involved 60 aircraft and ships, and cooperation between more than two dozen countries.

Letter demands that Beijing mounts own inquiry in MH370 case –’We question Malaysia’s motivations in misleading and delaying so as to miss the best moment to find MH370.’
29 Mar 2014 Relatives of the Chinese passengers aboard missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 have demanded China mount its own inquiry into the disappearance, a letter shows. The document, sent to Beijing’s special envoy in Kuala Lumpur, denounced Malaysia’s handling of the search and asked the Chinese government to set up its own “investigation office”. Relatives have also clashed with senior Malaysian officials in briefings in Beijing, with some openly insulting them and accusing Malaysia of hiding the truth.

World’s first cyber hijack: Was missing Malaysia Airlines flight hacked with mobile phone?
16 Mar 2014 Intelligence chiefs fear the missing Malaysian airliner was hijacked by hackers taking over the controls using a mobile phone. British anti-terror expert Dr Sally Leivesley said last night: “It might well be the world’s first cyber hijack.” Dr Leivesley, a former Home Office scientific adviser, said the hackers could change the plane’s speed, altitude and direction by sending radio signals to its flight management system. It could then be landed or made to crash by remote control. Possible culprits include criminal gangs, terrorists or a foreign power. ['Foreign power.' Diego Garcia?]

Malaysia did not check passport database prior to plane disappearance: Interpol
29 Mar 2014 The international police agency Interpol said on Friday that Malaysia’s immigration department had not checked passengers’ passports against its database at all this year prior to the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370. As a result, two passengers with stolen Austrian and Italian passports were able to board the plane, which vanished over the South China Sea on March 8, Interpol said in a statement.

Malaysian Air, Boeing Data on Plane Sought in U.S. Court
26 Mar 2014 Malaysian Airline System Bhd. and Boeing Co. records of Flight 370′s maintenance and crew are being sought by a law firm representing the uncle of one of the missing plane’s passengers, the opening salvo in what may become a barrage of litigation over its disappearance… Citing satellite data, Malaysia’s government said March 24 the flight ended in the southern Indian Ocean, southwest of Perth, Australia, and the airline said there is no hope of survivors. “We believe that both defendants named are responsible for the disaster of Flight MH370,” Monica Kelly, a partner in the Chicago-based firm Ribbeck Law Chartered, said in a statement announcing the filing yesterday in Illinois state court in Chicago.

