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The Coming War between America and China - the new documentary project from John Pilger

'Journey' is an overworked word these days, but I can think of none other to describe the making of a documentary film. Ten years ago, a film of mine could be made in six months, even less. The main work was the research, the journalism.Whenever I felt confident I had the basis of a 'story', I would go to the ITV Network in the UK and seek a broadcast commission. If that was forthcoming, ITV would fund the production.

John Pilger on the 'unmentionables' in Australia

On 31 August, following the release of his latest film Utopia, John Pilger spoke at the 'Festival of Dangerous Ideas' at the Sydney Opera House. In conversation with Liz Ann Macgregor, Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art, he discussed the devotion in Australian public life to the 'a status quo of unmentionables'. You can watch the conversation here.Interviewed by Channel 7's Andrew O'Keefe in Sydney ahead of the FODI, John Pilger describes how an insidious censorship works in a free society such as Australia.

How to support the Aboriginal people in their struggle for justice

The public response to the broadcast of Utopia on the ITV Network has been widespread across the UK. Many people have asked what they can do to support Aboriginal people in their struggle for justice.I recommend that people write to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, calling on him to start, without delay, negotiations for a fully constituted Treaty between the Commonwealth of Australia and all the First Nations of Australia.

Welcome to the new John Pilger website

Welcome to the new John Pilger website, a remarkable resource and historical record and now arguably the most comprehensive online collection of the work of a leading journalist. For the first time, the majority of John Pilger's 58 films for television and cinema can be viewed online. New features include a video and article search, a newsletter, social media tools and an RSS feed. The site's relaunch has been made possible by the University of Lincoln, which is preparing a complete digital archive of John Pilger's work.