zionist entity


Is this not the ultimate betrayal?

My compatriots, Mr. Abbas has just withdrawn the dagger from deep in the heart of Palestine and placed it firmly unsheathed and ready to cross the jugular. Please don’t allow him to administer the final and fatal cut to our hopes and aspirations.

The taste of betrayal is most bitter because it never comes from your enemies.


Treason: The betraying of one’s country… Oxford English Dictionary

PA security forces working for the Zionist project, choking the resistance in Palestine

 Palestinian security forces fire tear gas towards Palestinian stone throwing demonstrators as they block them from heading towards an Israeli check point in the center of the West Bank town of Hebron on August 22, 2014, durung clashes following a protest to show support for Palestinian militants fighting against the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip.

Timid US Presbyterian Church punish American companies, shun BDS and let Israel off the hook


by Stuart Littlewood
Pro-Palestinian campaigners are cock-a-hoop over the Presbyterian Church USA’s vote to divest from Caterpillar Inc, Hewlett-Packard and Motorola Solutions. Hailed as amazing, brave and miraculous in some quarters, it was actually a very close-run thing: 310 to 303 against, with no abstentions.

Call It Genocide, not Apartheid

By Nahida Izzat | January 20, 2014

Words, in the battle of Liberation are of prime importance, but in the age of Internet, where Cyber Battles are waged, between truth and falsehood, the use of the right word becomes more vital than ever.
We have observed how the word, “apartheid” has crept in and has been intensely used by many Palestinians and their supporters without much reflection upon the meaning, implications or outcome of such use.

African truth of Israeli apartheid

by Finian Cunningham
For more than six decades since its creation in 1948, the Israeli regime has hidden its crimes against native Arab people with the façade of “national security”.
The Israeli usurpers have systematically stolen land from the native Palestinians, killed them, brutalized them, and pushed millions into exile or into squalid ghettos.