Year in Review

2018 In Review: $enate Majority Leader McConnell Puts A Price On Freedom And Pockets The Cash. The Whole World Is Watching, Part 5.

by NoahMitch McConnell: Accomplice in Trump's betrayal of America. Call him Accomplice #1. As Majority Leader, MConnell not only pushes Trump's agenda of policies and nominations, he is Trump's eager protector, ignoring his sworn oath, saying and doing nothing to protect the United States and The Constitution.

2018 In Review: The Republican Mind Continues To Turn Into Mush. The Whole World Is Watching, Part 4.

by NoahFriday December 14th was the grim anniversary of the 2012 Newtown, CT. massacre of 27 elementary school children and school staff, a massacre that, sadly, many deranged Republicans will still tell you is a hoax. They will tell you that "crisis actors" played the roles of the victims and that it was all a production of the "fake news" media.

2018 In Review: Rudy Giuliani, The Ghoul Of New York The Whole World Is Watching, Part 3

by NoahEver leave a carved Halloween pumpkin out on the front steps to long? They have a funny way of deteriorating. As they rot, dents form as the bacteria and maggots chew away from the inside. They destroy the support fibers of the outer skin and it sags inward. Same thing happens to any vegetable or fruit. Eventually, it passes from being something for a squirrel or rat to randomly nibble on to a nice place for flies to lay their eggs.

2018 In Review: Gen. John Kelly Is Out. Mick Mulvaney Is In. Who’s Next? The Whole World Is Watching, Part 2

by NoahGen. John Kelly is gone. Trump's former Chief of Staff, a man of such low character that only the character of Trump himself could make his look better by comparison, had finally had enough. Working with the criminally insane has to be one of the most stressful jobs imaginable and as bad as he is, and was, who knows what horrors Kelly might have managed to derail. Imagine how bad an act has to be for someone like Kelly to disapprove of it.Mick Mulvaney is the new White House Chief Of Staff, make that Acting Chief Of Staff.

7 Huge News Stories You Probably Didn’t Hear About in 2017

(ANTIMEDIA) — 2017 was a chaotic year filled with violent protest, threats of nuclear war, ongoing Cold War-style accusations of collusion with ‘the Russians,’ and widespread allegations of sexual harassment. Establishment media outlets like Washington Post and CNN took it upon themselves to protect American democracy from the Trump administration, but in typical fashion, many of the most vital stories of the year — the ones that reveal the true nature of corruption and power in the U.S. — received little to no attention.

2017 In Review: A Hell Bound Train Of A Year (Part 1)

-by NoahThe image of a Hell bound train is a metaphor for going to Hell. It’s an idiom that crops up in a long history of African-American blues songs and the country-blues songs of rural whites. Its use in both song and poetry pre-dates the Civil War, essentially making it as old as the first American railroads.Blues music is the music of the downtrodden and oppressed. It is the music that came from slaves. It is the music that people sing in an effort to make sense of a world gone wrong: their world. It is the music of wailing souls in Hell.

A DWT Exclusive: We Have The First Draft Of Comrade Trump's Inauguration Speech!

2016 In Review: America Off The Rails, Part 12by NoahAs the first day of the end of America approaches, many of us are wondering about Donald "The J Is for Jackass" Trump's inauguration speech. Questions abound. Will it be a single tweet? Has it been left to his wife to write it, or crib it? Perhaps Billy Bush is writing it for him right now? Or perhaps David Duke? Or some Russkie in the basement of the Kremlin?