French President Macron pushes for WTO reform to address US tariffs

Trump wanted a reform of the WTO, and now he is not alone. French President Emmanuel Macron, who was so cordial with Trump just a few weeks ago, is pushing for a WTO for different reasons than those of Trump. Trump wants to change the rules to favor America, while Macron is looking to improve the rules to hinder trade war activities and the economic aggression being waged by his American partner.

‘World Government’: A Former ‘Conspiracy’ Myth is Now Emerging from the Shadows

By Mark Anderson
‘Stop the Presses’ News & Commentary
The “subtly” named “World Government Summit,” which started Feb. 12 and ran through Feb. 14 in Abu Dubai, United Arab Emirates, included a few Bilderberg Group and World Economic Forum (WEF) members, such as WEF founder Klaus Schwab and frequent Bilderberg attendee Christine Lagarde, longtime International Monetary Fund chief.

The Most Brazen Corporate Power Grab in American History

These three agreements solidify the creeping corporate coup d’état along with the final evisceration of national sovereignty. Citizens will be forced to give up control of their destiny and will be stripped of the ability to protect themselves from corporate predators, safeguard the ecosystem and find redress and justice in our now anemic and often dysfunctional democratic institutions.