World War

Jay Dyer – Tragedy & Hope 7: Cold War PsyOps & the Bomb Almighty

Jay Dyer
21st Century Wire
We continue the 7th lecture with the rise of the military industrial complex, the Cold War and its massive espionage apparatus, the psychological warfare behind the “bomb almighty,” as well as the real Illuminati again peeking through the pages of Quigley to reveal their faces.  This is one of the most important sections of Tragedy and Hope – a must-listen! 
Youtube Version:

The Inevitable War With Russia? Who’s The Real Aggressor?

21st Century Wire says…
Is a war with Russia inevitable at this point?
In the following episode of CrossTalk, that very question is discussed as experts evaluate who would be the prime benefactor of such a conflict.
While the rhetoric coming out of Western mainstream media appears to paint Russia as our number one enemy, looking at the facts reveals a very different picture.

NATO and Russia on Collision Course, or Hyperbolic Warmongering?

21st Century Wire says…
A certain set of warmongering interests appear to be hyping a conflict with Russia.
In the following episode of CrossTalk , guests discuss the apparent prediction of an ex-NATO General that Russia and NATO are going to be at war within the space of a year.
Is this a genuine threat, or more Russophobic, hyperbolic warmongering?

David Henderson to Speak on “An Economist’s Case for a Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy”’s economist David Henderson will be speaking Saturday, May 14, 3:00pm PT at the Monterey Peace and Justice Center located at 1364 Fremont Blvd., in Seaside, California. Professor Henderson, a Research Fellow with the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, will discuss the history and economics behind his premise that “the United States should have stayed out of every war it has been in since 1783.”