Working Families Party

Why Did The Working Families Party Push Anti-Choice, Anti-LGBTQ, AIPAC-Supported Jumaane Williams On Progressives?

by Patty MurphyJumaane Williams, the NYC Councilman with a checkered progressive record is running for his third office this year and appears to have cut a deal with WFP to get there.You may recall, no electeds were willing to challenge Gov. Cuomo, out of fear of retribution this year.

Pick A Side: Joe Lieberman Or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Conservatives want members of Congress to look like the mug on the right, never like the young woman on the leftConnecticut Democratic primary voters basically kicked Joe Lieberman out of the party by denying him the 2006 Democratic nomination for the Senate seat he had held since 1994. He ran on the Connecticut for Lieberman Party that year.

"Party Unity" Is Just A Term To Make Progressives Support Establishment Crooks-- Rhode Island Edition

Back in September we introduced an unlikely primary winner, when progressive grassroots Democrat Marcia Ranglin-Vassell beat the entrenched Rhode Island House Majority Leader John DeSimone, an anti-Choice conservative with a miserable environmental record, a failing grade from the ACLU and an NRA-friendly record on guns.

A Guest Post From Jesse Myerson: The Political Revolution: Where From Here?

Beyond Bernie, What?Since mid-April, when Hillary Clinton handily won the New York primary, variations on that question have animated discussions all over the country among activists, Sen. Sanders’ detractors as well as his supporters, who recognize that his run’s successes present an opportunity. Attending that opportunity, however, comes a burden.

Can Bernie Pull It Off Today? The Whole Establishment Is Gunning For Him

I'm sure Trump gets a million voters at every rally he does, by 28,000 was pretty impressive for Prospect Park, as 27,000 had been in Washington Square Park. Today's the day of reckoning for New York Democrats. There are no independents voting today to steer them away from making a tragic error. It's all up to New Yorkers. Are they going to pick a selfless man of the people or a ruthless, grasping, self-serving life-long elitist? It shouldn't be a difficult choice. But the Real Clear Politics average bespeaks badly of what the result may be.

Can Anyone Really Be Surprised That Cuomo's Man Jeffrey Klein Sold Out The New York Senate Democrats... Again?

Andrew Cuomo, Jeffrey Klein-- same, sameBlue America didn't get involved with all that many state legislative races this cycle. But one we did work on was in the Bronx, for a reformer and former New York Attorney General, Oliver Koppell, who ran against an extremely corrupt fake Democrat from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party, state Senator Jeffrey Klein.