

Video of the shooting of an unarmed Jacob Blake in the back by Kenosha Police during a domestic dispute call.
One of the most shocking things I learned talking with a Los Angeles Police Officer I became friends with while working as a reporter on my first job in L.A. was that LAPD cops were trained to “empty your revolver” whenever you fired at a person.

“Paid Vacation” for Kenosha Cops Who Shot Unarmed Jacob Blake in the Back

The police officers responsible for shooting unarmed black man Jacob “Jake” Blake yesterday have been placed on administrative leave, Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul confirmed today. The officers involved in what Kaul terms an “officer involved shooting” were said to be cooperating with investigations, according to police. This, for many, was not an adequate response.

Another Progressive Win This Week: Jacob Malinowski (D-WI)

Wisconsin's 82nd Assembly District is in southwestern Milwaukee County, right where Milwaukee County, Waukesha County and Racine County meet. It's one of the reddest parts of Milwaukee County. Hillary lost it with 43% but two years later both Tammy Baldwin and Jill Karofsky were just a fraction n of a point away from 50%. The current Assemblyman, Ken Skowronski is a knee-jerk Republican careerist.

‘Staying Safe’ Online: Wisconsin Gov’t Dept Requiring Masks on Zoom Calls

Ever since western governments veered towards lockdowns supposedly to protect the public from COVID-19, technocrat agenda makers and social engineers at organizations like the World Economic Forum (WEF) have devised their own roadmap for 21s century society which they are calling the “New Normal” – supposedly in order to stop successive ‘Second Waves’ of the virus.

With The DCCC Ignoring Wisconsin Again, The GOP Incumbents Are All Safe-- Unlkess They Caught COVID Over The Weekend And Die Before November

Nationally, Republicans have, by and large but with a few exceptions, fought against Democratic governors trying to protect their states' residents from the worst of the pandemic. But no Republican-dominated state legislature has been more pro-COVID than Wisconsin's. They have worked hard-- and effectively-- to prevent Gov. Tony Evers, a very moderate Democrat, from instituting rules to keep the state safe. The Republicans have given Wisconsin 36,448 cases of the disease-- 6,260 cases per Wisconsinite. On Saturday there were 926 new cases reported (and 7 new deaths).

I Bet Election Theft And Voter Suppression Would Stop If They Were Capital Crimes And A Few People Got Executed For It

Georgia's primary elections were a mess yesterday. Look at the race for the Democratic slot in Georgia's first district. Progressive Lisa Ring, the progressive in George's first district will be in a runoff with Joyce Griggs. With 96.89% of precincts reporting (204 out of 225), Lisa had 17,181 votes to Griggs' 17,164. Every vote counts.

Wisconsin Defeats COVID-19 Tyranny as the State Supreme Court Tosses Out Lockdown Order

On May 13th the Wisconsin Supreme Court struck down the Bill Gates-advocated stay-at-home order, previously ordered by globalist quisling, Governor Tony Evers. After hearing oral arguments on May 5th, the court in its wisdom has made a tremendous ruling that will go far in its implications, perhaps even worldwide. This is one small step for Wisconsinites, but one giant step for all American people.